- undercroft
- сводчатое подземное помещение (напр. подвал, склеп)* * *подземное сводчатое помещение, крипта
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Undercroft — Un der*croft, n. [Under + Prov. E. croft a vault; cf. OD. krochte crypt, and E. crypt.] (Arch.) A subterranean room of any kind; esp., one under a church (see {Crypt}), or one used as a chapel or for any sacred purpose. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
undercroft — (n.) crypt of a church; underground vault, late 14c., from UNDER (Cf. under) + CROFT (Cf. croft) … Etymology dictionary
undercroft — [un′dər krôft΄] n. [ME < under (see UNDER ) + croft, a vault < ML crupta < L crypta,CRYPT] an underground room or vault, esp. beneath a church … English World dictionary
Undercroft — An undercroft is traditionally a cellar or storage room [ [http://www.castles of britain.com/castle38.htm Castle Glossary] (from castles of britain.com website. Accessed 2008 01 11.)] , often brick lined and vaulted, and used for storage in… … Wikipedia
undercroft — noun Etymology: Middle English, from under + crofte crypt, from Middle Dutch, from Medieval Latin crupta, from Latin crypta more at crypt Date: 14th century a subterranean room; especially a vaulted chamber under a church … New Collegiate Dictionary
undercroft — /un deuhr krawft , kroft /, n. a vault or chamber under the ground, esp. in a church. [1350 1400; ME; see UNDER, CROFT] * * * … Universalium
undercroft — noun A cellar or vaulted storage room … Wiktionary
undercroft — crypt or vault under a church Ecclesiastical Terms … Phrontistery dictionary
undercroft — noun the crypt of a church. Origin ME: from under + the rare term croft crypt , from MDu. crofte cave , from L. crypta … English new terms dictionary
Undercroft — Cellar, crypt, or basement under a building. A vaulted room, sometimes underground, below an upper room ♦ Basement, cellar. (Wood, Margaret. The English Medieval House, 415) Related terms: Cellar … Medieval glossary
undercroft — /ˈʌndəkrɒft/ (say unduhkroft) noun 1. the crypt of a church. 2. a vault or chamber under the ground. 3. the space below the lowest floor of a building; basement. 4. the space under a building which is elevated on piers, columns, etc., usually… …