- typical cross section
- типовой поперечный профиль (напр. дороги)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
section, cross-section — Section means a piece, a portion : This section of the farm lies in a valley. Cross section means a representative sample meant to be typical of the whole : This recommendation is based on a cross section of public opinion in this area … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
cross-section — cross .section n 1.) something that has been cut in half so that you can look at the inside, or a drawing of this cross section of ▪ a cross section of a plant stem in cross section ▪ The roof beams were 50 centimetres square in cross section.… … Dictionary of contemporary English
cross-section — cross sections also cross section 1) N COUNT: usu N of n If you refer to a cross section of particular things or people, you mean a group of them that you think is typical or representative of all of them. I was surprised at the cross section of… … English dictionary
cross section — ► NOUN 1) a surface or shape exposed by making a straight cut through something at right angles to the axis. 2) a typical or representative sample of a larger group … English terms dictionary
cross section — 1. a section made by a plane cutting anything transversely, esp. at right angles to the longest axis. 2. a piece so cut off. 3. a photograph, diagram, or other pictorial representation of such a section. 4. the act of cutting anything across. 5.… … Universalium
cross-section — /ˈkrɒs sɛkʃən / (say kros sekshuhn) noun 1. a section made by a plane cutting anything transversely, especially at right angles to the longest axis. 2. a piece so cut off. 3. the act of cutting anything across. 4. a typical selection; a sample… …
cross section — noun 1》 a surface or shape exposed by making a straight cut through something, especially at right angles to an axis. 2》 a typical or representative sample of a larger group. 3》 Physics a quantity having the dimensions of an area which expresses… … English new terms dictionary
cross-section — noun (C) 1 something that has been cut in half so that you can look at the inside, or a drawing of this: cross section of a plant stem 2 a group of people or things that is typical of a much larger group: a cross section of the American public … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Neutron cross section — Science with Neutrons Foundations Neutron temperature Flux · Radiation … Wikipedia
Nuclear cross section — The nuclear cross section of a nucleus is used to characterize the probability that a nuclear reaction will occur. The concept of a nuclear cross section can be quantified physically in terms of characteristic area where a larger area means a… … Wikipedia
cross section — Any specimen, figure, or diagram presenting a representation typical of the whole … Forensic science glossary