- tungsten
- вольфрам* * *вольфрам
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Tungsten — (pronEng|ˈtʌŋstən), also known as wolfram (IPA|/ˈwʊlfrəm/), is a chemical element that has the symbol W and atomic number 74.A steel gray metal, tungsten is found in several ores, including wolframite and scheelite. It is remarkable for its… … Wikipedia
tungsten — TÚNGSTEN s.n. (chim.) Wolfram. – Din fr. tungstène. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 TÚNGSTEN s. v. wolfram. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime túngsten s. n. (sil. tung ) Tr … Dicționar Român
Tungsten — Tung sten, n. [Sw. tungsten (cf. Dan. tungsteen, G. tungstein); tung heavy (akin to Dan. tung, Icel. [thorn]ungr) + sten stone. See {Stone}.] 1. (Chem.) A rare element of the chromium group found in certain minerals, as wolfram and scheelite, and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tungsten — rare metallic element, 1796, from Swed. tungsten calcium tungstate, coined by its discoverer, Swedish chemist Karl Wilhelm Scheele (1742 1786) from tung heavy + sten stone. Used earlier as the name for calcium tungstate (1770). Atomic symbol W is … Etymology dictionary
tungsten — tùngsten m DEFINICIJA kem. naziv za volfram (u anglosaskoj jezičnoj praksi) ETIMOLOGIJA engl. tungsten … Hrvatski jezični portal
tungsten — Symbol: W Atomic number: 74 Atomic weight: 183.85 White or grey metallic transition element, formerly called wolfram. Forms a protective oxide in air and can be oxidized at high temperature. First isolated by Jose and Fausto de Elhuyer in 1783 … Elements of periodic system
tungsten — ► NOUN ▪ a hard steel grey metallic element with a very high melting point, used to make electric light filaments. ORIGIN Swedish, from tung heavy + sten stone … English terms dictionary
tungsten — [tuŋ′stən] n. [Swed, lit., heavy stone, orig. name for scheelite, coined (1755) by A. F. Cronstedt (see NICKEL) < tung, heavy (< IE * tṇghu < base * ten , to pull > THIN) + sten, akin to OE stan, STONE; used (1783) for element… … English World dictionary
tungsten — tungstenic /tung sten ik/, adj. /tung steuhn/, n. Chem. a rare, metallic element having a bright gray color, a metallic luster, and a high melting point, 3410° C, and found in wolframite, tungstite, and other minerals: used in alloys of high… … Universalium
Tungsten — Der Begriff Tungsten (schwedisch harter Stein) wird für Folgendes verwendet: Modell Serie von Palm, einer Firma für tragbare Computer, siehe Tungsten (PDA) eine Gemeinde im kanadischen Territorium Nordwest Territorien, siehe Tungsten (Nordwest… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tungsten — Tụngs|ten 〈m.; s; unz.〉 = Wolfram [<engl. <schwed. tungsten „Wolfram“ <tung „schwer“ + sten „Stein“] * * * Tung|sten [schwed. tung = schwer, fest u. sten = Stein]: im angloamer., frz. u. romanischen Sprachbereich üblicher Name für ↑… … Universal-Lexikon