- tremie concrete
- бетон подводной укладки (методом вертикально перемещаемой трубы)* * *бетонная смесь, укладываемая методом восходящей трубы; бетон подводной укладки
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Tremie — In the Tremie Concrete method, concrete is placed below water level though a pipe, the lower end of which is kept immersed in fresh concrete so that the rising concrete from the bottom displaces the water without washing out the cement content.… … Wikipedia
Tremie — Trem ie, n. [F. tr[ e]mie hopper.] (Hydraulic Engin.) An apparatus for depositing and consolidating concrete under water, essentially a tube of wood or sheet metal with a hooperlike top. It is usually handled by a crane. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tremie — ˈtremē noun ( s) Etymology: French trémie hopper, from Latin trimodia measure or vessel containing three modii, from tri + modius : an apparatus for depositing and consolidating concrete under water consisting essentially of a tube of wood or… … Useful english dictionary
tremie — noun a) A device used to pour concrete underwater. b) An apparatus used for depositing concrete in an aquatic environment, usually a tube of sheet metal with a hooper like top generally handled by a crane … Wiktionary
trémie — /trem ee/; Fr. /trdday mee /, n., pl. trémies /trem eez/; Fr. /trdday mee /. a funnellike device lowered into water to deposit concrete. [1900 05; < F: hopper < L trimodia three peck measure, equiv. to tri TRI + mod(ius) measure of grain + ia IA] … Universalium
Deep foundation — A deep foundation installation for a bridge in Napa, California, United States … Wikipedia
Ascenseur — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Ascenseur (homonymie). Un ascenseur est un dispositif mobile assurant le déplacement des personnes (et des objets) en hauteur sur des niveaux … Wikipédia en Français
Caisson (engineering) — In geotechnical engineering, a caisson is a retaining, watertight structure used, for example, to work on the foundations of a bridge pier, for the construction of a concrete dam, or for the repair of ships. These are constructed such that the… … Wikipedia
Navire vraquier — Vraquier Vraquier Le Sabrina I, vraquier moderne de taille Handymax à Astoria … Wikipédia en Français
SUBC — Vraquier Vraquier Le Sabrina I, vraquier moderne de taille Handymax à Astoria … Wikipédia en Français
ULBC — Vraquier Vraquier Le Sabrina I, vraquier moderne de taille Handymax à Astoria … Wikipédia en Français