traveling crane

traveling crane
1. мостовой кран
2. передвижной башенный кран

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "traveling crane" в других словарях:

  • Traveling crane — Crane Crane (kr[=a]n), n. [AS. cran; akin to D. & LG. craan, G. kranich, krahn (this in sense 2), Gr. ge ranos, L. grus, W. & Armor. garan, OSlav. zerav[i^], Lith. gerve, Icel. trani, Sw. trana, Dan. trane. [root]24. Cf. {Geranium}.] 1. (Zo[… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • traveling crane — noun : crane 3a …   Useful english dictionary

  • Crane — (kr[=a]n), n. [AS. cran; akin to D. & LG. craan, G. kranich, krahn (this in sense 2), Gr. ge ranos, L. grus, W. & Armor. garan, OSlav. zerav[i^], Lith. gerve, Icel. trani, Sw. trana, Dan. trane. [root]24. Cf. {Geranium}.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A wading… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Crane fly — Crane Crane (kr[=a]n), n. [AS. cran; akin to D. & LG. craan, G. kranich, krahn (this in sense 2), Gr. ge ranos, L. grus, W. & Armor. garan, OSlav. zerav[i^], Lith. gerve, Icel. trani, Sw. trana, Dan. trane. [root]24. Cf. {Geranium}.] 1. (Zo[… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • crane´like´ — crane «krayn», noun, verb. craned, cran|ing. –n. 1. a) a machine with a long, swinging arm, for lifting and moving heavy weights. SYNONYM(S): derrick. b) any one of various other kinds of machines that lift, such as a traveling crane. 2. a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • crane — /krayn/, n., v., craned, craning. n. 1. any large wading bird of the family Gruidae, characterized by long legs, bill, and neck and an elevated hind toe. 2. (not used scientifically) any of various similar birds of other families, as the great… …   Universalium

  • Crane — /krayn/, n. 1. (Harold) Hart, 1899 1932, U.S. poet. 2. Stephen, 1871 1900, U.S. novelist, poet, and short story writer. * * * I Any of 15 species (family Gruidae) of tall wading birds that resemble herons but are usually larger and have a partly… …   Universalium

  • Crane Manufacturers Association of America — Logo of the Crane Manufacturers Association of America. The Crane Manufacturers Association of America(CMAA) is an independent trade association in the United States. It is affiliated with the United States Division of Material Handling Industry …   Wikipedia

  • Crane Point — Museum, Nature Center and Historic Site is a non profit natural history museum and nature center located in the City of Marathon on Key Vaca, in the heart of the Florida Keys in Monroe County, Florida, United States. Created in 1976, the Florida… …   Wikipedia

  • crane — [krān] n. [ME < OE cran: akin to Du kraan, Ger kranich < IE * gr on < base * ger : see CROW1 ] 1. pl. cranes or crane a) any of a family (Gruidae) of usually large gruiform wading birds with very long legs and neck, and a long, straight… …   English World dictionary

  • Crane, Stephen — born Nov. 1, 1871, Newark, N.J., U.S. died June 5, 1900, Badenweiler, Baden, Ger. U.S. novelist and short story writer. Crane briefly attended college before moving to New York City. His Maggie: A Girl of the Streets (1893), a sympathetic study… …   Universalium

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