transverse anisotropy

transverse anisotropy
поперечная анизотропия

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "transverse anisotropy" в других словарях:

  • Anisotropy — (pronounced with stress on the third syllable, IPAEng|ˌænaɪˈsɒtrəpi) is the property of being directionally dependent, as opposed to isotropy, which means homogeneity in all directions. It can be defined as a difference in a physical property… …   Wikipedia

  • Transverse relaxation optimized spectroscopy — (TROSY) is an experiment in protein NMR spectroscopy that allows studies of large molecules or complexes.The application of NMR to large molecules is normally limited by the fact that the line widths generally increase with molecular mass. Larger …   Wikipedia

  • Transverse isotropy — A transversely isotropic material is symmetric about an axis that is normal to a plane of isotropy. This transverse plane has infinite planes of symmetry and thus, within this plane, the material properties are same in all directions. With this… …   Wikipedia

  • Diffusion MRI — Diagnostics DTI Color Map MeSH D038524 Diffusion MRI is a mag …   Wikipedia

  • Wood drying — (also seasoning lumber or timber seasoning) refers to reducing the moisture content of wood prior to its use. For some purposes wood is not dried at all (it is used green ) [ wood] . Often the wood needs to be in …   Wikipedia

  • Glass transition — The liquid glass transition (or glass transition for short) is the reversible transition in amorphous materials (or in amorphous regions within semicrystalline materials) from a hard and relatively brittle state into a molten or rubber like state …   Wikipedia

  • Hill yield criteria — Rodney Hill has developed several yield criteria for anisotropic plastic deformations. The earliest version was a straightforward extension of the von Mises yield criterion and had a quadratic form. This model was later generalized by allowing… …   Wikipedia

  • solids, mechanics of — ▪ physics Introduction       science concerned with the stressing (stress), deformation (deformation and flow), and failure of solid materials and structures.       What, then, is a solid? Any material, fluid or solid, can support normal forces.… …   Universalium

  • Texture (crystalline) — In materials science, texture is the distribution of crystallographic orientations of a polycrystalline sample. A sample in which these orientations are fully random is said to have no texture. If the crystallographic orientations are not random …   Wikipedia

  • Computational electromagnetics — Computational electromagnetics, computational electrodynamics or electromagnetic modeling is the process of modeling the interaction of electromagnetic fields with physical objects and the environment. It typically involves using computationally… …   Wikipedia

  • fluid mechanics — an applied science dealing with the basic principles of gaseous and liquid matter. Cf. fluid dynamics. [1940 45] * * * Study of the effects of forces and energy on liquids and gases. One branch of the field, hydrostatics, deals with fluids at… …   Universalium

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