base course

base course
1) слой основания дорожной одежды
2) нижний ряд кирпичной кладки; цоколь
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1. цоколь; нижний ряд кирпичной кладки; бетонное основание
2. слой основания дорожной одежды

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "base course" в других словарях:

  • Base course — Base Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Base course — in pavements refers to the sub layer material of an asphalt roadway and is placed directly on top of the undisturbed soil so as to provide a foundation to support the top layer(s) of the pavement. Generally consisting of a specific type of… …   Wikipedia

  • base course — The layer(s) of a specified material of designed thickness placed on a sub base or subgrade to support the surface course. The base course and subgrade are structural elements of the pavement. In conjunction with the overlying asphalt surface,… …   Aviation dictionary

  • base course — noun Etymology: base (III) 1. a. : the first or lowest course of a wall (as of a foundation wall or of the wall of a building above the basement) b. : the bottom layer of material laid down in the construction of a pavement …   Useful english dictionary

  • base course material — noun material used as a foundation, as for a road, before the finishing or sealing surface is applied …  

  • Base — Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Base hit — Base Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Base line — Base Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Base plate — Base Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Base ring — Base Base, n. [F. base, L. basis, fr. Gr. ba sis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, fr. bai nein to go, step, akin to E. come. Cf. {Basis}, and see {Come}.] 1. The bottom of anything, considered as its support, or that on which something rests… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • base — i. A location where aircraft with all facilities are based. Refers to an air force base, naval air station, and fixed base operator. ii. In air traffic control phraseology and when transmitted on the radio, it means turning onto the base leg of… …   Aviation dictionary

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