base board

base board
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "base board" в других словарях:

  • base|board — «BAYS BRD, BOHRD», noun. 1. U.S. a line of boards around the walls of a room, next to the floor. In Great Britain it is called a skirting board, or skirting. 2. a board at or forming the base of anything …   Useful english dictionary

  • base·board — /ˈbeısˌboɚd/ noun, pl boards [count] US : a narrow board along the bottom of a wall that covers the area where the wall meets the floor called also (Brit) skirting board …   Useful english dictionary

  • Board of Trade and Plantations — Board of Trade The Board of Trade (1808 11), d Augusus Pugin et Thomas Rowlandson Le Board of Trade est un comité du Conseil privé du Royaume Uni ayant ses origines dans un comité d enquête du XVIIe siècle, évoluant en un dé …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Base de datos de tablas de finales — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Una interfaz típica para solicitar una base de datos de tablas. Para cada movimiento del Blanco, la base de datos devuelve el número de movimientos necesarios para ganar. Rc6 y Da6+ gana en cinco movimientos, por lo… …   Wikipedia Español

  • board — [bôrd] n. [ME & OE bord, a plank, flat surface (nautical senses via OFr bord, side of a ship < Frank * bord, akin to OE bord) < IE * bhr̥dho , board < * bheredh < base * bher , to cut] 1. a long, broad, flat piece of sawed wood ready… …   English World dictionary

  • Board Of European Students Of Technology — Nouveau Logo de BEST BEST (Board of European Students of Technology: Comité des étudiants européens en technologie) est une organisation internationale, non gouvernementale, apolitique, à but non lucratif, entièrement gérée par des étudiants.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Board of european students of technology — Nouveau Logo de BEST BEST (Board of European Students of Technology: Comité des étudiants européens en technologie) est une organisation internationale, non gouvernementale, apolitique, à but non lucratif, entièrement gérée par des étudiants.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Base 36 — is a positional numeral system using 36 as the radix. The choice of 36 is convenient in that the digits can be represented using the Arabic numerals 0 9 and the Latin letters A Z. Base 36 is therefore the most compact case insensitive… …   Wikipedia

  • Base de la Fuerza Aérea Lackland — Lugar designado por el censo de los Estados Unidos Vista aérea de la Base …   Wikipedia Español

  • Base de la Fuerza Aérea Laughlin — Lugar designado por el censo de los Estados Unidos …   Wikipedia Español

  • Board to board connectors — Board to board (BTB) connectors are used to connect printed circuit boards (PCB), electronic components that contain a conductive pattern printed on the surface of the insulating base in an accurate and repeatable manner. Each terminal on a BTB… …   Wikipedia

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