base bid

base bid
стоимость строительства, заявленная на торгах
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основная [базовая] стоимость объекта (заявляемая подрядчиком на торгах; не включает стоимости вариантных предложений)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "base bid" в других словарях:

  • bid — bid1 [bid] vt. BADE, bidden, bidding; for vt. 3, 6, 8 & for vi., the pt. & pp. are always bid, bade or bid, bid [ME bidden, to ask, plead, pray < OE biddan < IE base * bheidh , to urge, compel; meaning and form merged with ME beden, to… …   English World dictionary

  • Bid`ah — Le terme bid ah (arabe: بدعة [bid ah], innovation, idée nouvelle, hérésie) désigne une chose inventée sur la base d aucun modèle précédent[1]. Dans le contexte de l islam sunnite : l innovation désigne donc une voie inventée dans la religion …   Wikipédia en Français

  • bid — [OE] Bid has a complicated history, for it comes from what were originally two completely distinct Old English verbs. The main one was biddan (past tense bæd) ‘ask, demand’, from which we get such modern English usages as ‘I bade him come in’. It …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • bid — [OE] Bid has a complicated history, for it comes from what were originally two completely distinct Old English verbs. The main one was biddan (past tense bæd) ‘ask, demand’, from which we get such modern English usages as ‘I bade him come in’. It …   Word origins

  • Negative free bid — is a contract bridge treatment whereby a free bid by responder over an opponent s overcall shows a long suit in a weak hand and is not forcing. This is in contrast with standard treatment, where a free bid can show unlimited values and is… …   Wikipedia

  • Bridge Base Basic — Bridge base basic, also known as BBO basic, is a bidding system for the game of bridge based on Standard American Yellow Card. It is simplified, suitable for beginners, and widely used in internet bridge particularly on Bridge Base Online. [… …   Wikipedia

  • Operation Bid Rig — is an ongoing, long term investigation into political corruption in New Jersey conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Internal Revenue Service, and the United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey since 2002. The… …   Wikipedia

  • England 2018 FIFA World Cup bid — Main article: 2018 and 2022 FIFA World Cup bids England s 2018–2022 World Cup Bid logo England 2018 was the Football Association s unsuccessful bid for the right to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup.[1] FIFA invited bidding countries to …   Wikipedia

  • Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic bid — Olympic bid|2016|Summer winner = runner up = shortlisted1 = Chicago shortlisted2 = Madrid shortlisted3 = Rio de Janeiro shortlisted4 = Tokyo fullname = Rio de Janeiro, Brazil committee = Brazilian Olympic Committee (BOC) history = None• Bid for:… …   Wikipedia

  • Dobbins Air Reserve Base — Part of Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) Located near: Marietta, Georgia …   Wikipedia

  • Tasmanian AFL Bid — The bid to establish an Australian Football League team in the state of Tasmania has been ongoing, with fluctuating levels of support, since the then Victorian Football League began its national expansion in the 1980 s and 1990… …   Wikipedia

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