- tower head
- верхняя секция башни (башенного крана)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
tower head — noun see tower skull … Useful english dictionary
tower head — tow·er head tau̇( ə)r n OXYCEPHALY * * * oxycephaly … Medical dictionary
tower skull — noun also tower head : oxycephaly … Useful english dictionary
Head Phones President — ヘッド・フォン・プレジデント Head Phon … Википедия
Tower of terror — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tower of Terror (homonymie) … Wikipédia en Français
Tower of the Future — 未来のうてな (Mirai no Utena) Genre Romantic comedy, Sci fi Manga Written by Saki Hiwatari … Wikipedia
Tower Liberty — Tower and fortifications with Tower Hill of the ancient demesne of the Crown with jurisdiction and privileges distinct from and independent of the City. Boundaries presented by a Leet Jury 1525 and again as surveyed by Haiward and Gascoyne … Dictionary of London
Head shaving — is the practice of shaving the hair from a person s head, either completely or nearly.Head shaving can be performed by most standard razors or electric hair clippers. Several companies produce razors designed specifically for head shaving.… … Wikipedia
Head of the River Race — Tripulaciones compitiendo a la altura del puente de Hammersmith en el Head of the River Race de 2005. The Head of the River Race (HORR) (español: El jefe del río) es una regata profesional en banco móvil celebrada anualmente, en procesión, en… … Wikipedia Español
Tower Subway — The Tower Subway is a tunnel beneath the River Thames in central London, close as the name suggests to the Tower of London. Its alignment runs between Tower Hill on the north side of the river and Vine Lane (off Tooley Street) to the south. Its… … Wikipedia
Tower of Hercules — The Tower of Hercules is an ancient Roman lighthouse located on a peninsula about 2.4 kilometers (1.5 miles) from the centre of the city of La Coruña, Galicia, in present day north western Spain. The very name of Corunna is said to be derived… … Wikipedia