- tin horn
- проф. труба из волнистого металла
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
tin|horn — «TIHN HRN», adjective, noun. Slang. –adj. cheap and showy; noisy and pretentious; pretending to be wealthy, skillful, or influential, but lacking what is required: »a tinhorn lawyer. –n. a tinhorn person … Useful english dictionary
tin·horn — /ˈtınˌhoɚn/ noun, pl horns [count] US informal + disapproving : a person who talks and acts like someone who is strong and powerful but who is really weak, unimportant, etc. usually used before another noun a tinhorn dictator/tyrant … Useful english dictionary
horn — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. antler, cornu, callus, nail; saddle horn, pummel, pommel; blower, tooter, tin horn, ram s horn, shofar, French horn, trumpet, etc. (see music); horn of plenty, cornucopia; powder horn. See hardness,… … English dictionary for students
horn|ing — «HR nihng», noun. 1. the act of a person or thing that horns. 2. U.S. a mock serenade with tin horns and other discordant instruments; charivari … Useful english dictionary
Horn mercury — Mercury Mer cu*ry, n. [L. Mercurius; akin to merx wares.] 1. (Rom. Myth.) A Latin god of commerce and gain; treated by the poets as identical with the Greek Hermes, messenger of the gods, conductor of souls to the lower world, and god of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fish horn — a tin horn that was used by fish sellers or on fishing boats … Dictionary of ichthyology
fish-horn — 1) a tin horn that was used by fish sellers or on fishing boats 2) a soprano clarinet or saxophone, Canadian slang … Dictionary of ichthyology
Martin-Horn® — Mạr|tin Horn®, das; [e]s, … Hörner [nach dem Namen der Herstellerfirma Max B. Martin KG]: akustisches Warnsignal von Polizeiautos, Feuerwehr und Krankenwagen … Universal-Lexikon
Martin-Horn ® — Mạr|tin Horn ®, das; [e]s, ... Hörner [nach dem Namen der Herstellerfirma Max B. Martin KG]: akustisches Warnsignal von Polizeiautos, Feuerwehr und Krankenwagen … Universal-Lexikon
Martin-Horn — Mạr|tin Horn® vgl. Martinshorn … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
Dimitris Horn — (griechisch Δημήτρης Χορν, * 9. März 1921 in Athen; † 16. Januar 1998 ebenda) war ein griechischer Schauspieler und Regisseur. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Filmografie 3 Weblinks … Deutsch Wikipedia