- time
- 1) время, продолжительность, длительность; интервал времени; период; срок2) темп, такт3) синхронизировать; регулировать; определять время•
time-and-cost valuation rating — техническое нормирование
to reduce the time — сокращать сроки
- time of completion - time of concrete hardening - time of duration - time of mixing - time of run - time of setting - time of stripping - time of vibration - activity time - actuation time - basin lag time - bucket lifting time - bucket lifting time fully loaded - bucket lowering time fully loaded - bucket lowering time - bucket lowering time unloaded - bucket tipping time - bucket tipping for discharge time - chill time - concrete mixing time - construction time - crash time - dead time - delay time - delivery time - detention time - filtration time - engineering time - heating-up time - idle time - lead time - pay-back time - pour time - prefailure time - relaxation time - residence time - reverberation time - reversing time - setting time - slowing-down time - transit time - warm-up time - working timeto work against time — стараться уложиться в сроки
* * *время; интервал времени; период; срок; длительность; продолжительность- time of concentration
- time of final setting
- time of haul
- time of initial setting
- time of relaxation
- time of stripping
- time of travel
- time of wave travel
- actual construction time
- batch mixing time
- boarding-alighting time
- clarification time
- concentration time
- construction time
- contact time
- contract time
- crane hook time
- dead time
- delay time
- detention time
- earliest event occurrence time
- early finish time
- early start time
- filtration time
- final setting time
- float time
- flow time
- flowability time
- free float time
- heating-up time
- high time
- initial setting time
- journey time
- lag time
- loading time
- mixing time
- operating time
- pour time
- preheating time
- reaction time
- recovery time
- residence time
- response time
- retention time
- reverberation time
- running time
- running-up time
- scheduled erection time
- setting time
- settling time
- stand-up time
- start-to-finish time for construction
- start-to-finish time
- start-up time
- stopped time
- strength-gaining time
- striking time
- travel time
- traveling time
- utilization time
- vibration time
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.