- thermokarst
- термокарст* * *термокарст
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Thermokarst — refers to a land surface that forms as ice rich permafrost melts. It occurs extensively in Arctic areas, and on a smaller scale in mountainous areas such as the Himalayas and the Swiss Alps. The name is given to very irregular surfaces of marshy… … Wikipedia
Thermokarst — Als Thermokarst wird ein Landformungsprozess in Periglazialgebieten durch auftauende Dauerfrostböden bezeichnet. Die ursprüngliche Herleitung des Begriffes Thermokarst kommt von der gewissen Ähnlichkeit der entstehenden Landformen mit dem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
thermokarst — ▪ geology land surface configuration that results from the melting of ground ice in a region underlain by permafrost. In areas that have appreciable amounts of ice, small pits, valleys, and hummocks are formed when the ice melts and the… … Universalium
Thermokarst — En géomorphologie, le terme thermokarst (synonyme : cryokarst) désigne : un modelé caractérisé par des dépressions (par exemple, un alass) et des affaissements de terrain dus au tassement du sol consécutif de la fonte de la glace du… … Wikipédia en Français
Thermokarst — Thẹrmokarst, Kryokarst, Pseudokarst, kessel oder rinnenartige, oft wassererfüllte Hohlformen an der Oberfläche von Dauerfrostbodengebieten, bedingt durch das Auftauen von Eiskeilen und Eislinsen. Thermokarst wird oft durch anthropogene… … Universal-Lexikon
thermokarst pit — Steep walled depression formed by thermokarst processes [10] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
thermokarst — noun /ˌθɜː(ɹ).mʊəˈkɑː(ɹ)st/ A region similar in appearance to karst topography, characterized by an irregular land surface, with bogs, pits, and other depressions, formed in areas of permafrost due to ice melting … Wiktionary
thermokarst — in periglacial areas, the melting of ground ice causes subsidence and creates a very uneven surface … Geography glossary
thermokarst — 1. A pitted periglacial or former periglacial surface in superficial deposits, produced by settling or caving of the ground after melting of ground ice [10]. 2. A term applied to topographic depressions in karstic terranes resulting from… … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
thermokarst — Karst like topographic features produced in a permafrost region by local melting of ground ice and subsequent settling of the ground. GG … Glossary of landform and geologic terms
thermokarst — [ θə:mə(ʊ)kα:st] noun Geology a periglacial landscape resembling karst, resulting from the selective melting of permafrost … English new terms dictionary