
1) испытание; опыт; проба; проверка
2) критерий; мерило, пробный камень
3) испытательный, контрольный, пробный
4) испытывать; делать опыты; подвергать испытанию
5) брать пробы

test for soundness — испытание (цемента) на равномерность изменения объёма

test to destruction — испытание до разрушения

test to failure — испытание до отказа оборудования

to test the instrument — проверять прибор, эталонировать прибор

to agree upon the procedure of tests — согласовать порядок проведения испытаний

to consider the programme of tests — согласовывать программу испытаний

to finalize the programme of tests — согласовать программу испытаний

to put off tests — переносить испытания

to appoint time of tests — назначить время испытаний

to be present at the tests — присутствовать во время проведения испытаний

to carry out a test — проводить испытание

to discuss the programme of tests — согласовывать программу испытаний

to fail tests — не пройти испытания

to pass test to satisfaction — успешно проводить испытание

to perform test — провести испытание

to stand the test — выдерживать испытание

- abruption test - absorption test - accelerated corrosion test - accelerated wear test - acceptance test - acid test - adhesion test - adverse field test - ageing test - air test - air-content test - air-pressure test - alkalimetric test - alternate stress test - alternating bending test - alternating impact test - alternating torsion fatigue test - altitude test - angular test - appearance test - approval test - arbitration test - Atterberg test - autoclave test - axial test - back-and-forth bending test - bacteriological test - ball test - ball hardness test - ball rebound test - beam test - beam rotating fatigue test - beam-strength test - bearing test of soil - bench test - bending test - bending and unbending test - bloating test - blow test - blow-bending test - blowpipe test - bounce test - breakdown test - breaking test - Brinell hardness test - brittleness test - buckling test - burning test - bursting test - calibration test - calorimeter test - cannon test - carbon residue test - Charpy test - check test - chemical test of drain - cleavage test - closure test - coating test - cold test - cold bending test - colorimetric test for organic impurities - commercial test - commissioning tests - compaction test - comparative test - comprehensive test - compression test - compression-compression test - consistency test of concrete - continuous test - continuity of test - corrosion test - corrosive wear test - crack test - crash test - creep test - cross-bending test - crushing test - cupping test - cyclic test - damp test - decantation test - deep test - deflection test - deformation test - degradation rate test - density test - destruction test - destructive test - Deval abrasion test - doubling test - drain test - drill test - drop test - dummy test - duplicate test - dynamic breaking test - elongation test - endurance test - end-use test - evaluation test - extraction test on Portland cement - factory test - failure test - fatigue test - field tests - field in-place test - file test - fire hose reel test - fire resistance test - flange test - flattening test - flexion test - flexure test - float test - flow test - folding test - fracture test - free-bend test - freezing test - freezing and thawing test - fuel test - full-scale test - green test - grinding test - guarantee test - hardness test - hot bend test - hot twist test - immersion test - impact test - impact bend test - indentation test - ink test - intermittent test - internal pressure test - Izod impact test - knock test - Knoop microhardness test - laboratory test - leak test - leakage test - life test - limiting pressure test - load test on pile - load test - loading test - long run tests - minimum flow rate test - model test - moment test - mortar bar test - non-destructive test - notch bar test - notch bending test - on-the-road test - organic impurities test - pat test - pendulum test - penetration test - percentage test - performance test - physical endurance test - pile test - pile loading test - pneumatic test - preliminary test - pressure test - prototype test - pull-out bond test - pumping test - puncture test - qualification test - quality test - rattler test - reduced section tension test - reduction-in-alkalinity test - reduction-in-expansion test - reheat test - relaxation test - remolding test - repair test - repetition test - resistance to corrosion test - resistance to impact test - reversed bend test - ride test - rig test - road tests - rod test - running test - running-in test - salt spray tests - scale test - scratch test - sedimentation test - service test - settleability test - severe test - shear test - shear test of soil - shock test - shop test - Shore's scleroscope hardness test - short-circuit test - size test - sizing test - skid test - slump test - smell test - smoke test - soap test - sodium solution test - soil test - soundness test - spray angle test - spring closure test - squeeze test - stain test - static test - strength test - strip-off adhesion test - subgrade test - subzero test - sugar test of cement - taking over tests - tear test - tee-bend test - tensile test - tension test - throw range test - time-of-setting test - torsion test - transverse test - twisting test - ultrasonic test - unit-weight test - vane test - Vicat needle test - warpage test - warranty test - water test - water absorption test - water retention test - wear test - weather exposure test - weldability test - X-ray test
* * *
испытание; проверка; тест; опыт; проба; анализ; исследование; эксперимент || испытывать; проверять; исследовать

test by immersion in boiling water — проба [испытание] кипячением в воде

test for organic matter — определение содержания органических примесей в заполнителях

to run a test — проводить испытание

- test of time
- AASHO density test
- Abbot compaction test
- Abrams' test
- abrasion test
- absorption test
- accelerated test
- accelerated test for compressive strength
- accelerated strength test
- acceptance test
- accredited tests
- acid test
- aggregate crushing test
- aggregate impact test
- air test
- air content test
- air entrainment test
- air filter blackness test
- air leakage test
- air permeability test
- air permeability fineness test
- alternating bending test
- anchorage shear test
- aptitude test
- Atterberg test
- attrition test
- autoclave test
- baling-out permeability test
- ball test
- ball hardness test
- barium sulphate test
- beam test
- bearing test
- bending test
- bending tensile test
- bit wear test
- blackness air filter test
- Blain test
- block shear test
- blow flexure test
- boiling test
- bond test
- bootstrap test
- borehole shear test
- breaking test
- Brinell hardness test
- California bearing ratio test
- cement tests
- Charpy test
- Charpy V-notch impact test
- checking test
- check test
- COLE volume change test
- colorimetric test
- color test
- compacting factor test
- compaction test
- complience test
- compression test
- cone penetration test
- consistency test
- consolidated quick test
- consolidation test
- constant head permeability test
- constant rate of penetration test
- constant rate of uplift test
- constant volume test
- control test
- core test
- creep test
- C.R.P. test
- crushing test
- cube strength test
- cube test
- cylinder test
- dehydration test
- diametral compression test
- diamond pyramid hardness test
- dioctylphthalate test
- direct shear test
- dispersion test
- dissipation test
- DOP test
- Dorry test
- drain test
- drained triaxial test
- driving test
- drop-weight test
- durability test
- dust spot test
- Dutch sounding test
- dynamic penetration test
- expandable sleeve concrete test
- exposure tests
- fast field tests
- fatigue test
- field tests
- field density test
- field loading test
- field percolation test
- field vane test
- flexure test
- flow-table test
- flow test
- four-point bending test
- fracture test
- freeze-thaw test
- freeze-thaw durability test
- freezing test
- gravimetric air filter test
- hardening test of concrete
- hardness test
- Herbert cloudburst test
- hollow cylinder test
- hydraulic drain test
- hydraulic flat-jack test
- hydraulic pressure test
- hydraulic test
- hydrostatic test
- impact test
- impact crushing value test
- indentation test
- ink test
- in-place test
- in-place slump test
- in-situ test
- in-situ soil tests
- insulation test
- integrity test
- Izod impact test
- Izod test
- jolt test
- Kelly ball test
- Knoop hardness test
- laboratory test
- leakage test
- life test
- line-load test
- load test of structures
- loading test
- long-term test
- long-time creep test
- maintained load test
- manufacturer test
- methylene blue test
- model test
- needle test
- notch bending test
- notched bar test
- nuclear density test
- operational test
- organic test
- organic test for fine aggregate
- orifice tube test
- penetration test
- percussion test
- performance test
- photoelastic test
- pile load test
- pile pulling test
- pile redriving test
- plate-bearing test
- pneumatic test
- point-load test
- preliminary test
- pressure test
- pressure meter test
- proof test
- proof load test
- pumping test
- punching shear test
- pycnometer test
- Q-test
- quick test
- R-test
- Ro test
- radial percolation test
- Raymond standard test
- reception test
- reference test
- reliability test
- repeated load test
- resonant-column test
- reverse bend test
- rock bolts convergence test
- Rockwell hardness test
- Rockwell superficial hardness test
- S-test
- saponification test
- scratch test
- shearing test
- shear test
- shock bending test
- short-term test
- single point test
- site test for cement content of mortars
- slow test
- slump test
- smoke test
- soap test
- splitting tensile test
- standard-density test
- standard penetration test
- static penetration test
- strength test
- stress-relaxation test
- stress-rupture test
- tensile test
- tightness test
- time-of-set test
- torsion test
- triaxial compression test
- triaxial test
- two-point test
- type test
- ultrasonic test
- undrained test
- vacuum test
- vane test
- vibrated mortar cube test
- vibrating crushing test
- Vicat needle test
- water test
- water loading test
- water retention test
- wind loading test
- wind-tunnel test
- works beam test
- works cube test
- yield test

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "test" в других словарях:

  • test — test …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Test — Test, n. [OE. test test, or cupel, potsherd, F. t[^e]t, from L. testum an earthen vessel; akin to testa a piece of burned clay, an earthen pot, a potsherd, perhaps for tersta, and akin to torrere to patch, terra earth (cf. {Thirst}, and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • test — tèst s.m.inv. 1. CO prova, esperimento inteso a trarre valutazioni rispetto a qcs.: test nucleare, test per rilevare il grado dell inquinamento cittadino; test attitudinale Sinonimi: esperimento, verifica. 2a. CO TS psic. prova standardizzata per …   Dizionario italiano

  • Test — se puede referir a una prueba o ensayo sobre algún tema de interés; una prueba o examen de conocimientos; un test psicológico, como por ejemplo; un Test de inteligencia; el test de Rorschach; el test de Lüscher o test de los colores; otro tipo de …   Wikipedia Español

  • Test — test  UNIX утилита для проверки типа файла и сравнения значений. Возвращает код возврата 0 (истина) или 1 (ложь) в зависимости вычисления выражения expr. Выражения могут быть как унарными, так и бинарными. Унарные выражения часто… …   Википедия

  • Test No. 6 — Country China Test site Lop Nur Test Base Period June 17, 1967 Number of tests 1 Test type Atmospheric Device type Fusion Max. yield …   Wikipedia

  • test — test  UNIX утилита для проверки типа файла и сравнения значений. Возвращает код возврата 0 (истина) или 1 (ложь) в зависимости вычисления выражения expr. Выражения могут быть как унарными, так и бинарными. Унарные выражения часто… …   Википедия

  • test*/*/*/ — [test] noun [C] I 1) a set of written or spoken questions that is used for finding out how much someone knows about a subject Did you get a good mark in your physics test?[/ex] You re going to have to take the test again.[/ex] I passed my English …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • Test — Test, TEST or Tester may refer to:In science:* Experiment, part of the scientific method * Test (biology), the shell of sea urchins and certain microorganisms * Test method, a definitive procedure that produces a test result * Chemical test, a… …   Wikipedia

  • TEST — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Le Test est une procédure de vérification lors de la programmation d un logiciel. Un test est une méthode de travail dans de nombreux domaines, tant en… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • test — test1 [test] n. [ME, a cupel < OFr, a pot, cupel < L testum, earthen vessel < testa, piece of burned clay, shell < IE base * tekth , to weave, join > Sans tašta, cup, Gr tektōn, carpenter: mod. meaning from use of the cupel in… …   English World dictionary

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