- bar slope
- 1. угол отгиба арматурного стержня2. угол наклона раскоса (решётки фермы)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
bar|o|clin|ic — «BAR uh KLIHN ihk», adjective. (of the atmosphere) having surfaces of equal pressure and surfaces of equal density not in coincidence. ╂[< baro + Greek klínein to slope + English ic] … Useful english dictionary
Bar Harbor Airlines Flight 1808 — Infobox Airliner accident|name=Bar Harbor Airlines Flight 1808 Date=August 25, 1985 Type=Controlled flight into terrain Site=Auburn, Maine Fatalities=8 Injuries=0 Aircraft Type=Beech BE 99 Operator=Bar Harbor Airlines Tail Number=N300WP… … Wikipedia
bar code — a series of lines of varying width, printed, as on a container or product, that can be read by an optical scanner to determine charges for purchases, destinations for letters, etc. Cf. Universal Product Code. [1970 75] * * * Printed series of… … Universalium
bar lift — noun Etymology: bar (I) : j bar lift, t bar lift * * * bar lift, a ski lift consisting of an endless cable supporting steel bars, which skiers grasp to be drawn up a slope … Useful english dictionary
East Slope (University of Sussex) — East Slope is one of several accommodation blocks at the University of Sussex.East Slope was constructed in the early 1970s.Fact|date=June 2007 It is located on the side of a hill near the back of the eastern side of the campus. A series of stone … Wikipedia
Point bar — A point bar is a depositional feature of streams. Point bars are found in abundance in mature or meandering streams. They are crescent shaped and located on the inside of a stream bend. Point bars are composed of sediment that is well sorted and… … Wikipedia
Visual Approach Slope Indicator — Das VASI (Visual Approach Slope Indicator) ist ein optisches System, welches die Piloten bei der Einhaltung des Gleitpfades im Anflug auf eine Landebahn unterstützt. Ein VASI ist für Flughäfen nicht zwingend vorgeschrieben. Das System zeichnet… … Deutsch Wikipedia
The Carriage House on Slope Hill — (Mount Pleasant,США) Категория отеля: 3 звездочный отель Адрес: 418 … Каталог отелей
T-bar lift — A T bar lift, also called T bar, is a mechanised system for transporting skiers and snowboarders uphill, along the surface of the slope. In the United States it is generally employed for low capacity slopes in large resorts and small local areas… … Wikipedia
Kirana Bar — is a portion of the Chej Doáb, it takes its name from the Kirana Hills found here. The hills are not, as generally supposed, outliers of the Salt Range This region is divided between the Sargodha and Jhang districts of Punjab, Pakistan. Bar… … Wikipedia
visual approach slope indicator — A system of lights arranged to provide visual descent guidance information during the approach to a runway. These lights are visible from 3 to 5 miles during the day and up to 20 miles at night. The visual glide path of the VASI provides a safe… … Aviation dictionary