

to control temperature — контролировать температуру; регулировать температуру

- absolute temperature - air temperature - ambient temperature - atmospheric temperature - balance of temperature - boiling temperature - breathing line temperature - brittleness temperature - ceiling temperature - Celsius temperature - cold temperature - colour temperature - comfort temperature - curing temperature - delivery temperature - dew-point temperature - dissociation temperature - drop of temperature - effective temperature - Fahrenheit temperature - fail temperature - floor temperature - flow temperature - fluxing temperature - indoor temperature - Kelvin temperature - melting temperature - mix temperature - operating temperature - outdoor temperature - outlet temperature - outside air temperature - radiation-convection temperature - reduced temperature - rise of temperature - saturation temperature - storage temperature - surface temperature - transport temperature - warm temperature - wet-bulb temperature - zero temperature
* * *
- temperature of adiabatic saturation
- accumulated temperature
- ambient temperature
- auto-ignition temperature
- boiler flow temperature
- comfort temperature
- condensing temperature
- curing temperature
- delivery temperature
- design temperature
- dewpoint temperature
- difference temperature
- discharge temperature
- dry bulb temperature
- dry resultant temperature
- ductile brittle transition temperature
- effective temperature
- environmental temperature
- equilibrium temperature
- equivalent temperature
- evaporating temperature
- excess temperature
- external temperature
- flow temperature
- freezing temperature
- globe temperature
- ignition temperature
- indoor temperature
- initial temperature
- inside temperature
- internal temperature
- maximum effective bridge temperature
- mean radiant temperature
- minimum effective bridge temperature
- mix temperature
- nil-ductility temperature
- operating temperature
- operative temperature
- outdoor temperature
- outside temperature
- radiant temperature
- radiation temperature
- resultant air temperature
- return temperature
- saturation temperature
- screen wet bulb temperature
- sling wet bulb temperature
- sol-air temperature
- suction temperature
- surface temperature
- terminal temperature
- thermodynamic wet bulb temperature
- transition temperature
- wet bulb temperature

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "temperature" в других словарях:

  • température — [ tɑ̃peratyr ] n. f. • 1562; « tempérament » 1538; lat. temperatura, de temperare 1 ♦ Degré de chaleur ou de froid de l atmosphère en un lieu, lié à la sensation éprouvée par le corps et qui peut être exprimée par le thermomètre. La température,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Temperature — Température Pour les articles homonymes, voir Température (homonymie). Comparaison des échelles de température : zéro absolu, fusion de la glace et ébullition de l eau dans les conditions de pression standard. Échelle °C °F K …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Temperature — Tem per*a*ture, n. [F. temp[ e]rature, L. temperatura due measure, proportion, temper, temperament.] 1. Constitution; state; degree of any quality. [1913 Webster] The best composition and temperature is, to have openness in fame and opinion,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Temperature — «Temperature» Sencillo de Sean Paul del álbum The Trinity Formato Descarga Digital CD Single Grabación 2005 Género(s) Reggae Dancehall …   Wikipedia Español

  • temperature — Temperature. s. f. v. La constitution, la disposition de l air, selon qu il est froid, ou chaud, sec ou humide. La temperature de l air est douce & agreable en ce pays là. la temperature de l air y est tres inégale. la temperature de l air est… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • temperature — meaning ‘a high or abnormal temperature’ (as in Have you got a temperature?) is idiomatic in modern English but mostly confined to spoken forms …   Modern English usage

  • temperature — 1530s, fact of being tempered, also character or nature of a substance, from L. temperatura a tempering, moderation, from temperatus, pp. of temperare to moderate (see TEMPER (Cf. temper)). Sense of degree of heat or cold first recorded 1670… …   Etymology dictionary

  • temperature — Temperature, Temperatura ferri, Quand une chose est trop aigre, et que par mistion de choses contraires on luy oste une partie de l aigreur. Faire egale temperature, Temperamentum aequare …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • temperature — ► NOUN 1) the degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object. 2) informal a body temperature above the normal. 3) the degree of excitement or tension present in a situation or discussion. ORIGIN originally in the sense the state of… …   English terms dictionary

  • temperature A — (на шине) – температурный режим, показатель характеризующий способность шины противостоять температурным воздействиям, подразделяется на три категории А, В и С; А – наилучший. EdwART. Словарь автомобильного жаргона, 2009 …   Автомобильный словарь

  • temperature — [n] hotness, coldness of some degree body heat, calefaction, climate, cold, condition, degrees, febricity, feverishness, heat, incalescence, pyrexia, thermal reading, warmth; concept 610 …   New thesaurus

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