technological innovations

technological innovations
технологические достижения
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технологические достижения

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "technological innovations" в других словарях:

  • technological innovations — creation of new technology, use of technology in a new way …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Consumer adoption of technological innovations — is the process consumers use to determine whether or not to adopt an innovation. This process is influenced by consumer characteristics, such as personality traits and demographic or socioeconomic factors, the characteristics of the new product,… …   Wikipedia

  • Technological and industrial history of the United States — The technological and industrial history of the United States describes the United States emergence as one of the largest nations in the world as well as the most technologically powerful nation in the world. The availability of land and labor,… …   Wikipedia

  • Technological escalation during World War II — was more profound than any other period in human history. More new inventions, certainly as measured by such means as patent applications for dual use technology and weapon contracts issued to private contractors, were deployed to the task of… …   Wikipedia

  • Technological escalation — describes the fact that whenever two parties are in competition, each side tends to employ continuing technological improvements to defeat the other. Technology is defined here as a creative invention, be it an object or a method of using an… …   Wikipedia

  • Technological change — Original model of three phases of the process of Technological Change Technological change (TC) is a term that is used to describe the overall process of invention, innovation and diffusion of technology or processes[1][2]. Th …   Wikipedia

  • Technological and industrial history of Canada — The technological and industrial history of Canada encompasses the country s development in the areas of transportation, communication, energy, materials, public works, public services (health care), domestic/consumer and defense technologies.… …   Wikipedia

  • Innovations in the piano — This article covers a number of innovations from recent times in the building of pianos.Piano construction is by now a rather conservative area; most of the technological advances were made by about 1500, and indeed it is possible that some… …   Wikipedia

  • Technological Genre — Technology Genré is an Australian expression based on the notion that all technologies present a basic repeatable pattern of essential elements known as the elements of technacy, and that similar configurations of elements that create similar… …   Wikipedia

  • Diffusion of innovations — The diffusion of innovations according to Rogers. With successive groups of consumers adopting the new technology (shown in blue), its market share (yellow) will eventually reach the saturation level. In mathematics the S curve is known as the… …   Wikipedia

  • Michigan Technological University — Motto Create the Future Established 1885 Type Public …   Wikipedia

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