
1) стол, доска, плита; планшетный стол; плоская поверхность
2) архит. карниз; пояс
3) небольшой участок земли
4) уровень (подземных вод)
5) таблица
6) табель
7) общий вид, картина
8) оглавление
9) соединять шипом
- table of contents - table of limits - table of quantities - table of rates - table of weights and measures - assembly table - base table - corrosion table - drafting table - drain table - drawing table - erector's table - folding table - folding table for painting works - ground water table - in-out table - jolting table - laboratory table - lifting table - lifting-turning table - multi-purpose erector's table - permafrost table - raise table - raised table - rotary table - shake table - tracing table - working table
* * *
1.   стол
2.   рольганг
3.   таблица
4.   уровень (подземных вод)
5.   карниз; поясок
6.   плита
- automatic cutting-off table
- base table
- calculation table
- flow table
- frost table
- ground water table
- hydraulic table
- jolting table
- moment collection table
- perched water table
- permafrost table
- raised table
- stationary tilting table
- vibrating table

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "table" в других словарях:

  • table — [ tabl ] n. f. • 1050; var. taule XIIIe (→ tôle); lat. tabula « planche, tablette » I ♦ Objet formé essentiellement d une surface plane horizontale, généralement supportée par un pied, des pieds, sur lequel on peut poser des objets. 1 ♦ Surface… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • table — TABLE. s. f. Meuble ordinairement de bois, fait d un ou de plusieurs ais, & posé sur un, ou plusieurs pieds; & dont on se sert pour manger, pour escrire, pour joüer, &c. Table de chesne. table de bois de noyer. table de marqueterie. table à un… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • TABLE —     Table, s. f., terme très étendu qui a plusieurs significations.     Table à manger, table de jeu, table à écrire. Première table, seconde table, table du commun. Table de buffet, table d hôte, où l on mange à tant par repas; bonne table,… …   Dictionnaire philosophique de Voltaire

  • Table — Ta ble, n. [F., fr. L. tabula a board, tablet, a painting. Cf. {Tabular}, {Taffrail}, {Tavern}.] 1. A smooth, flat surface, like the side of a board; a thin, flat, smooth piece of anything; a slab. [1913 Webster] A bagnio paved with fair tables… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • table — Ta ble, n. [F., fr. L. tabula a board, tablet, a painting. Cf. {Tabular}, {Taffrail}, {Tavern}.] 1. A smooth, flat surface, like the side of a board; a thin, flat, smooth piece of anything; a slab. [1913 Webster] A bagnio paved with fair tables… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • table — Table, f. penac. Vient par syncope du Latin Tabula, comme de Seculum, Crustulum, Seclum, Crustlum, et signifie en general un ais de bois long et quarré. Selon laquelle signification on dit Entablature, où plusieurs tels ais sont rengez pair à… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • table — [tā′bəl] n. [OFr < L tabula, a board, painting, tablet < ? IE * taldhla < base * tel , flat, a board > OE thille, thin board, flooring] 1. Obs. a thin, flat tablet or slab of metal, stone, or wood, used for inscriptions 2. a) a piece… …   English World dictionary

  • Table A — A standard set of Articles of Association which can be incorporated by reference in the Articles of Association of any company. It is usually used to cover non essential procedural issues. Found in the Companies (Tables A F) Regulations 1985… …   Law dictionary

  • table — [n1] furniture upon which to work, eat bar, bench, board, buffet, bureau, console, counter, desk, dining table, dinner table, dresser, lectern, pulpit, sideboard, sink, slab, stand, wagon; concept 443 table [n2] meal bill of fare, board, cuisine …   New thesaurus

  • Table — Ta ble (t[=a] b l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Tabled} (t[=a] b ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {Tabling} (t[=a] bling).] 1. To form into a table or catalogue; to tabulate; as, to table fines. [1913 Webster] 2. To delineate, as on a table; to represent, as in a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • table — ► NOUN 1) a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, for eating, writing, or working at. 2) a set of facts or figures systematically displayed. 3) (tables) multiplication tables. 4) food provided in a restaurant or household: food …   English terms dictionary

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