symmetric tensor

symmetric tensor
симметрический [симметричный] тензор

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "symmetric tensor" в других словарях:

  • Symmetric tensor — In mathematics, a symmetric tensor is a tensor that is invariant under a permutation of its vector arguments. Symmetric tensors of rank two are sometimes called quadratic forms. In more abstract terms, symmetric tensors of general rank are… …   Wikipedia

  • symmetric tensor — simetrinis tenzorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. symmetric tensor; symmetrical tensor vok. symmetrischer Tensor, m rus. симметрический тензор, m pranc. tenseur symétrique, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • Symmetric algebra — In mathematics, the symmetric algebra S ( V ) (also denoted Sym ( V )) on a vector space V over a field K is the free commutative unital associative K algebra containing V .It corresponds to polynomials with indeterminates in V , without choosing …   Wikipedia

  • Tensor — For other uses, see Tensor (disambiguation). Note that in common usage, the term tensor is also used to refer to a tensor field. Stress, a second order tensor. The tensor s components, in a three dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, form the… …   Wikipedia

  • Tensor product — In mathematics, the tensor product, denoted by otimes, may be applied in different contexts to vectors, matrices, tensors, vector spaces, algebras, topological vector spaces, and modules. In each case the significance of the symbol is the same:… …   Wikipedia

  • Symmetric space — In differential geometry, representation theory and harmonic analysis, a symmetric space is a smooth manifold whose group of symmetries contains an inversion symmetry about every point. There are two ways to make this precise. In Riemannian… …   Wikipedia

  • Tensor algebra — In mathematics, the tensor algebra of a vector space V , denoted T ( V ) or T bull;( V ), is the algebra of tensors on V (of any rank) with multiplication being the tensor product. It is the free algebra on V , in the sense of being left adjoint… …   Wikipedia

  • Tensor-Diagramm-Notation — Die penrosesche graphische Notation – auch als penrosesche diagrammatische Notation, Tensor Diagramm Notation oder auch einfach Penrose Notation bezeichnet – ist eine von Roger Penrose vorgeschlagene Notation in der Physik und Mathematik, um eine …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Tensor product of algebras — In mathematics, the tensor product of two R algebras is also an R algebra in a natural way. This gives us a tensor product of algebras. The special case R = Z gives us a tensor product of rings, since rings may be regarded as Z algebras.Let R be… …   Wikipedia

  • Metric tensor — In the mathematical field of differential geometry, a metric tensor is a type of function defined on a manifold (such as a surface in space) which takes as input a pair of tangent vectors v and w and produces a real number (scalar) g(v,w) in a… …   Wikipedia

  • Glossary of tensor theory — This is a glossary of tensor theory. For expositions of tensor theory from different points of view, see:* Tensor * Classical treatment of tensors * Tensor (intrinsic definition) * Intermediate treatment of tensors * Application of tensor theory… …   Wikipedia

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