- baptistery
- баптистерий
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Baptistery — • The separate building in which the Sacrament of Baptism was once solemnly administered, or that portion of the church edifice later set apart for the same purpose Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Baptistery Baptistery … Catholic encyclopedia
Baptistery — Bap tis*ter*y,Baptistry Bap tis*try, n.; pl. {Baptisteries}, {Baptistries}. [L. baptisterium, Gr. baptisth rion: cf. F. baptist[ e]re.] (Arch.) (a) In early times, a separate building, usually polygonal, used for baptismal services. Small… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
baptistery — (also baptistry) ► NOUN (pl. baptisteries) ▪ a building or part of a church used for baptism … English terms dictionary
baptistery — [bap′tistrē] n. pl. baptistries [bap′tis tər ē, bap′tistrē] n. baptisteries [LL (Ec) baptisterium, baptismal font < L, place for bathing < Gr baptistērion < baptizein,BAPTIZE] 1. a place, esp. a part of a church, used for baptizing 2. a… … English World dictionary
Baptistery — In Christian architecture the baptistery or baptistry (Latin baptisterium ) is the separate centrally planned structure surrounding the baptismal font. The baptistery may be incorporated within the body of a church or cathedral and be provided… … Wikipedia
baptistery — /bap teuh stree, tis teuh ree/, n., pl. baptisteries. 1. a building or a part of a church in which baptism is administered. 2. (esp. in Baptist churches) a tank for administering baptism by immersion. [1425 75; < LL baptisterium < Gk baptistérion … Universalium
baptistery — A baptistery is a building where Baptism is conferred. Although the baptistery in some places is a separate building, more commonly a baptistery is a separate part of the church, such as a chapel; since the Second Vatican Council,the place for … Glossary of theological terms
baptistery — A building used for baptism in the Christian church. A famous example is the Baptistery of the Duomo, the cathedral in Florence, Italy. Also spelled baptistry … Glossary of Art Terms
baptistery — baptisterija statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Senovės Graikijoje – pirtis. kilmė gr. baptistērion – maudyklė; krikšto indas atitikmenys: angl. baptistery vok. Baptisterium, n rus. баптистерия … Sporto terminų žodynas
baptistery — baptisterija statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Šalto vandens plaukykla senovės Romos termose. kilmė gr. baptistērion – maudyklė; krikšto indas atitikmenys: angl. baptistery vok. Baptisterium, n rus. баптистерия … Sporto terminų žodynas
Baptistery of Parma — The Baptistery of Parma ( it. Battistero di Parma) is a religious edifice in Parma, northern Italy. The baptistery of the Parma Cathedral, it is considered to be a transition between Romanesque and Gothic architecture, and is one of the most… … Wikipedia