- sump tank
- отстойный бак
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Sump — This article is about sumps in general. For cave sumps, see Sump (cave). Oil pan redirects here. For the Transformer, see Oil Pan (Transformers). A sump is a low space that collects any often undesirable liquids such as water or chemicals. A sump … Wikipedia
sump — i. A low point in an aircraft fuel tank or fuel system where water and other contaminants can collect and be held until they can be drained out. See baffle (i). ii. A low point in an aircraft engine in which lubricating oil collects and is stored … Aviation dictionary
sump — Synonyms and related words: artificial lake, baygall, bayou lake, bog, bottom, bottomland, bottoms, buffalo wallow, cesspool, cistern, cloaca, cloaca maxima, dam, dead water, dike, drain, dump, etang, everglade, farm pond, fen, fenland, fishpond … Moby Thesaurus
tank — Synonyms and related words: Pullman, Pullman car, archives, armory, arsenal, artificial lake, attic, bag, baggage car, bank, barrel, basement, basket, bay, bayou lake, bin, bonded warehouse, bookcase, bottle, box, box up, boxcar, bunker, buttery … Moby Thesaurus
tank — n 1. cistern, vat, boiler; well, sump; vessel, receptacle; aquarium, bowl. 2. pool, pond, millpond, lake, Scot. loch, Irish Eng. lough, tarn, Chiefly Brit. Dial. mere. 3.Military. combat vehicle, armored car … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Dry sump — A dry sump is a lubricating motor oil management method for four stroke and large two stroke piston internal combustion engines that uses external pumps and a secondary external reservoir for oil, as compared to a conventional wet sump system.… … Wikipedia
dry sump (lubrication) system — An engine lubrication system in which the lubricating oil is carried in an external tank and not internally in a sump. The sump is kept relatively free from oil by scavenging pumps, which return the oil to the tank after cooling. The opposite of… … Aviation dictionary
oil tank pressurizing valve — A check valve in the oil tank vent system that maintains an air pressure normally between 3 and 6 psi on the oil. This ensures that oil is supplied to the engine driven oil pump under positive pressure at all altitudes. A typical dry sump… … Aviation dictionary
oil sump — A container to hold engine lubrication oil. In a wet sump oil system, all the oil is held in the crankcase. However, in the dry sump lubrication system, the oil is stored in a tank external to the engine. The dry sump system is used to make the… … Aviation dictionary
cold tank system — A lubrication system in which the oil cooler is located in the scavenge oil subsystem. The oil passes through the cooler and returns to the tank cooled. A typical turbojet cold tank (dry sump) lubrication system … Aviation dictionary
dry sump — dry sump, a type of engine lubrication in which the oil supply is contained in a separate oil tank and pumped to the moving parts … Useful english dictionary