structure excavation

structure excavation
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производство земляных работ при строительстве зданий и сооружений

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "structure excavation" в других словарях:

  • Structure relocation — Hydraulically powered dollies move an historic 19th century church in Salem, Massachusetts. A structure relocation is the process of moving a structure from one location to another. There are two main ways for a structure to be moved:… …   Wikipedia

  • Post excavation — In archaeology once the archaeological record of given site has been excavated, or collected from surface surveys, it is necessary to gain as much data as possible and organize it into a coherent body of information. This process is known as post …   Wikipedia

  • Stepped Stone Structure — The Stepped Stone Structure is the name given to the remains at a particular archaeological site (sometimes termed Area G) on the eastern side of the City of David, the oldest part of Jerusalem. The curved, 60ft high, narrow stone structure is… …   Wikipedia

  • Rectovesical excavation — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = excavatio rectovesicalis GraySubject = 246 GrayPage = 1152 Caption = Median sagittal section of male pelvis. (Rectovesical excavation labeled at center right.) Caption2 = Male pelvic organs seen from right… …   Wikipedia

  • Rock Structure Rating — (RSR) is a quantitative method for describing quality of a rock mass and then appropriate ground support. [cite book last = Bieniawski first = Z. T. authorlink = Z. T. Bieniawski title = Engineering Rock Mass Classifications publisher = Wiley… …   Wikipedia

  • Hoover Construction — The Hoover Construction Company is a family owned highway and heavy construction company in northeastern Minnesota. Hoover has built roads and mines, and is particularly known for its work on the foundations of the Iron Ore Mines on the Iron… …   Wikipedia

  • Butkara Stupa — The Butkara Stupa is an important Buddhist shrine in the area of Swat, Pakistan. It may have been originally built by the Mauryan emperor Ashoka, but it is generally dated slightly later to the 2nd century BCE.The stupa was enlarged on five… …   Wikipedia

  • Plaza of the Seven Temples — Structure 5D 96, the largest of the seven temples The Plaza of the Seven Temples (or Plaza de los Siete Templos in Spanish) is an architectural complex in the ruins of the Maya city of Tikal, in the Petén Department of northern Guatemala. It is t …   Wikipedia

  • Mary Rose — For later ships with the same name, see HMS Mary Rose. For the play by J.M. Barrie, see Mary Rose (play). The remnants of the Mary Rose undergoing conservation in Portsmouth …   Wikipedia

  • Maya Research Program — A pair of masks depicting an Early Classical ruler of Blue Creek The Maya Research Program is a US based non profit organization (501C3) that sponsors archaeological and ethnographic research in Middle America. Each summer since 1992, they have… …   Wikipedia

  • Anthropology and Archaeology — ▪ 2009 Introduction Anthropology       Among the key developments in 2008 in the field of physical anthropology was the discovery by a large interdisciplinary team of Spanish and American scientists in northern Spain of a partial mandible (lower… …   Universalium

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