band clamp

band clamp
разъёмный хомут с болтовыми фиксаторами

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "band clamp" в других словарях:

  • Band clamp — A band clamp (also known as a web clamp) is a type of clamp which allows the clamping of items where the surfaces to be clamped are not parallel to each other; where there are multiple surfaces involved; or where clamping pressure is required… …   Wikipedia

  • Clamp — (eigene Schreibweise CLAMP) ist eine Gruppe japanischer Comic Zeichnerinnen, bestehend aus den vier Mitgliedern Nanase Ohkawa (Wiederaufnahme des ursprünglichen Namens „Nanase“, nachdem sie sich im Zeitraum von 2004 2008 „Ageha“ nannte), Mokona… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • CLAMP — (eigene Schreibweise CLAMP) ist eine Gruppe japanischer Comic Zeichnerinnen bestehend aus den vier Mitgliedern Nanase Ohkawa (Wiederaufnahme des ursprünglichen Namens „Nanase“, nachdem sie sich im Zeitraum von 2004 2008 „Ageha“ nannte), Mokona… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • V-band clamp — A clamp which connects the turbine housing and bearing housing …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Clamp (tool) — A clamp is a fastening device to hold or secure objects tightly together to prevent movement or separation through the application of inward pressure. In the United Kingdom and Australia, the term cramp is often used instead when the tool is for… …   Wikipedia

  • clamp — A fastening device which secures something within its jaws without constant human pressure. Also see bar clamp battery clamp battery hold down clamp C clamp cable clamp distributor clamp distributor hold down clamp G clamp …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • clamp — ► NOUN ▪ a brace, band, or clasp for strengthening or holding things together. ► VERB 1) fasten in place or together with a clamp. 2) (clamp down) suppress or prevent something. 3) fit a wheel clamp to (an illegally parked car). DERIVATIVES …   English terms dictionary

  • clamp — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a device, esp. a brace or band of iron etc., for strengthening other materials or holding things together. 2 a device for immobilizing an illegally parked car. 1 strengthen or fasten with a clamp. 2 place or hold firmly. 3… …   Useful english dictionary

  • clamp — clamp1 noun 1》 a brace, band, or clasp for strengthening or holding things together. 2》 an electric circuit maintaining the voltage limits of a signal at prescribed levels. verb 1》 fasten in place or together with a clamp.     ↘hold (something)… …   English new terms dictionary

  • Clamp — Recorded in a variety of spelling including Clamp and Clampe, with the diminutives Clampet and Clampett, and the patronymics Clampin, and Clampon, this is a surname of English origins. It derives from the Middle English 15th century word clamp ,… …   Surnames reference

  • clamp — 1. noun A brace, band, or clasp for strengthening or holding things together. Syn: cramp 2. verb a) To …   Wiktionary

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