structural evaluation

structural evaluation
оценка несущей способности конструкции, сооружения; оценка пригодности сооружения к дальнейшей эксплуатации; оценка эксплуатационных качеств
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оценка несущей способности конструкции или сооружения; оценка пригодности сооружения к дальнейшей эксплуатации; оценка эксплуатационных качеств сооружения

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "structural evaluation" в других словарях:

  • Structural Integration — is a type of Alternative medicine which aims to align the human body in the gravitational field. [ [ What is Structural Integration? ] ] The claimed benefit is that the increased use of balance at finer levels of… …   Wikipedia

  • Structural health monitoring — The process of implementing a damage detection strategy for aerospace, civil and mechanical engineering infrastructure is referred to as Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). Here damage is defined as changes to the material and/or geometric… …   Wikipedia

  • Structural mechanics — Space frame used in a building structure Pipe frame used in a competi …   Wikipedia

  • Structural Similarity — SSIM (Structural SIMilarity) est une mesure de similarité entre deux images numériques. Elle a été développée pour mesurer la qualité visuelle d une image compressée, par rapport à l image originale. L idée de SSIM est de mesurer la similarité de …   Wikipédia en Français

  • evaluation of EU structural assistance — Europos Sąjungos struktūrinių fondų lėšų panaudojimo vertinimas statusas Aprobuotas sritis Europos Sąjungos finansų politika apibrėžtis 2014–2020 metų Europos Sąjungos struktūrinių fondų investicijų veiksmų programos vertinimas, kuriuo siekiama… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • Structural differential — The Structural differential is a physical chart or three dimensional model illustrating the abstracting processes of the human nervous system. In one form, it looks like a pegboard with tags. Created by Alfred Korzybski, and awarded a U.S. patent …   Wikipedia

  • Damp (structural) — For other uses, see Damp (disambiguation). Detail showing some of the causes of damp penetration Structural dampness refers to the presence of unwanted moisture in the structure of a building, either the result of intrusion from outside or… …   Wikipedia

  • Terahertz nondestructive evaluation — pertains to devices, and techniques of analysis occurring in the terahertz domain of electromagnetic radiation. These devices and techniques evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage.[1] After the Shuttle… …   Wikipedia

  • Finite element method in structural mechanics — Finite element method (FEM) is a powerful technique originally developed for numerical solution of complex problems in structural mechanics, and it remains the method of choice for complex systems. In the FEM, the structural system is modeled by… …   Wikipedia

  • European Union Structural Assistance Evaluation Plan — Europos Sąjungos struktūrinių fondų lėšų panaudojimo vertinimo planas statusas Aprobuotas sritis Europos Sąjungos finansų politika apibrėžtis Dokumentas, kuriame numatomos Europos Sąjungos struktūrinių fondų lėšų panaudojimo vertinimo veiklos ir… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • National Bridge Inventory — The National Bridge Inventory (NBI) is a database, compiled by the Federal Highway Administration, with information on all bridges and tunnels in the United States that have roads passing above or below. This is similar to the grade crossing… …   Wikipedia

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