stress-strain curve

stress-strain curve
кривая зависимости деформаций от напряжений; кривая напряжения, деформации
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кривая зависимости деформаций от напряжений, кривая зависимости между напряжениями и деформациями

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "stress-strain curve" в других словарях:

  • Stress-strain curve — Stress strain curve. См. Кривая зависимости деформаций от напряжения. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

  • Stress–strain curve — During testing of a material sample, the stress–strain curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between stress, derived from measuring the load applied on the sample, and strain, derived from measuring the deformation of the sample …   Wikipedia

  • stress-strain curve — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ noun : a chart or curve showing the relation between the load or stress on a structural member or specimen of material and the corresponding strain or deformation …   Useful english dictionary

  • stress-strain curve — a graph in which stress (load divided by the original cross sectional area of the test piece) is plotted against strain (the extension divided by the length over which it is measured) …   Mechanics glossary

  • stress-strain curve — Смотри показатель напряженного состояния …   Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии

  • Stress (physics) — Stress is a measure of the average amount of force exerted per unit area. It is a measure of the intensity of the total internal forces acting within a body across imaginary internal surfaces, as a reaction to external applied forces and body… …   Wikipedia

  • Strain rate — Strain rate, with regards to materials science, is the change in strain over the change in time and is denoted as έ.έ = δε/δtWe have :έ = δε/δt = frac{1}{ell 0} frac{dell}{dt} = frac{v}{ell 0}where ell 0 is the original length and v is the speed… …   Wikipedia

  • Stress (mechanics) — Continuum mechanics …   Wikipedia

  • Strain hardening exponent — The strain hardening exponent (also called strain hardening index), noted as n , is a materials constant which is used in calculations for stress strain behaviour in work hardening. In the formula σ = K ε n, σ represents the applied stress on the …   Wikipedia

  • curve — isothermal transformation curve stress strain curve time temperature transformation curve TTT curve …   Mechanics glossary

  • curve — 1. A nonangular continuous bend or line. 2. A chart or graphic representation, by means of a continuous line connecting individual observations, of the course of a physiologic activity, of the number of cases of a disease in a given period, or of …   Medical dictionary

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