- street furniture
- инженерное оборудование улицы (напр. ограждения, дорожные знаки и т. д.)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Street furniture — is a collective term for objects and pieces of equipment installed on streets and roads for various purposes, including benches, bollards, post boxes, phone boxes, streetlamps, street lighting, traffic lights, traffic signs, bus stops, grit bins … Wikipedia
street furniture — (STREET fur.nuh.chur) n. Street features such as lampposts, traffic lights, benches, bus shelters, garbage cans, and public toilets. Example Citation: While the value of some billboards is expected to grow, the industry expects future revenue… … New words
street furniture — noun The various accessorial public items sited in the street, eg litter bins, parking meters, road signs • • • Main Entry: ↑street * * * ˌstreet ˈfurniture f29 [street furniture] noun … Useful english dictionary
street furniture — noun The objects and equipment installed on a street, such as bollards, benches, and traffic lights … Wiktionary
street furniture — noun objects placed or fixed in the street for public use, such as postboxes or road signs … English new terms dictionary
street furniture — UK / US noun [uncountable] things that have been placed at the side of a street, for example lights, road signs, and containers for rubbish … English dictionary
street furniture — /ˈstrit fɜnɪtʃə/ (say street fernichuh) noun the conventional equipment of urban streets, as seating, bus shelters, streetlights, litter bins, etc …
Street furniture — Typisches Stadtmobiliar: Sitzbank (hier von Ayse Erkmen), gesehen am Heizkraftwerk Berlin Mitte … Deutsch Wikipedia
street furniture — /stri:t fa:nɪtʃə/ noun lamps, litter bins, bus shelters, etc., on which advertising can be placed … Marketing dictionary in english
Street — A street is a public thoroughfare in the built environment. It is a public parcel of land adjoining buildings in an urban context, on which people may freely assemble, interact, and move about. A street can be as simple as a level patch of dirt,… … Wikipedia
street spam — n. Advertisements posted on telephone poles, traffic lights, and other public areas. Example Citation: And while most every city, county and country in the world has street spam, the issue is coming to a head in Syracuse. Some intersections you… … New words