
1) деформация; напряжение; натяжение
2) напрягать; натягивать

to be in a state of strain — быть в состоянии деформации

to undergo strain — подвергнуться деформации

- alternating strain - angular strain - bearing strain - bending strain - breaking strain - compression strain - compressive strain - cooling strain - creep strain - cubic strain - elastic strain - flexural strain - handling strain - homogeneous strain - internal strain - irreversible strain - linear strain - principal strain - pure strain - residual strain - temperature strain - tensile strain - tension strain - tower strain - ultimate strain - unit strain - volumetric strain - yield point strain
* * *
деформация; напряжение; натяжение

strain at a point — деформация в точке

strain in a transverse direction — поперечная относительная деформация

- angular strain
- angular unit strain
- axial strain
- bending strain
- bulk strain
- compression strain
- cyclic strains
- elastic strain
- inelastic strain
- lateral strain
- linear strain
- linear elastic strain
- linearly varying strain
- longitudinal strain
- main strain
- nonelastic strain
- nonlinear elastic strain
- plane strain
- plastic strain
- principal strain
- residual strain
- shearing strain
- shear strain
- stretcher strains
- surface strain
- swelling strain
- tension strain
- time-dependent strain
- transverse strain
- true strain
- ultimate tensile strain
- unit strain
- viscoelastic strain
- volume strain

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "strain" в других словарях:

  • Strain — can refer to: * Strain (biology), a variant of a plant, virus or bacterium; or an inbred animal used for experimental purposes * Strain (chemistry), a chemical stress of a molecule * Strain (continuum mechanics), the deformation of materials… …   Wikipedia

  • Strain — Strain, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Strained}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Straining}.] [OF. estraindre, estreindre, F. [ e]treindre, L. stringere to draw or bind tight; probably akin to Gr. ? a halter, ? that which is squeezwd out, a drop, or perhaps to E. strike …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • străin — STRĂÍN, Ă, străini, e, adj., s.m. şi f. (Persoană) care face parte din populaţia altei ţări decât aceea în care se află sau trăieşte; (om, fiinţă) care este originară din altă regiune, localitate etc. decât aceea în care se află sau locuieşte,… …   Dicționar Român

  • Strain — Strain, n. 1. The act of straining, or the state of being strained. Specifically: [1913 Webster] (a) A violent effort; an excessive and hurtful exertion or tension, as of the muscles; as, he lifted the weight with a strain; the strain upon a ship …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • strain — strain1 [strān] vt. [ME streinen < OFr estraindre, to strain, wring hard < L stringere, to draw tight: see STRICT] 1. to draw or stretch tight 2. to exert, use, or tax to the utmost [to strain every nerve] 3. to overtax; injure by… …   English World dictionary

  • strain# — strain n 1 *variety, subspecies, race, breed, cultivar, clone, stock 2 streak, vein, *touch, suggestion, suspicion, soupçon, tincture, tinge, shade, smack, spice, dash strain vb 1 sprain (see under STRAIN n 2) *demur, scruple, balk, jib, shy,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • strain — [n1] pain, due to exertion ache, anxiety, bruise, brunt, burden, constriction, effort, endeavor, exertion, force, injury, jerk, pressure, pull, sprain, stress, stretch, struggle, tautness, tension, tensity, twist, wrench; concept 728 Ant. health …   New thesaurus

  • Strain — Strain, n. [See {Strene}.] 1. Race; stock; generation; descent; family. [1913 Webster] He is of a noble strain. Shak. [1913 Webster] With animals and plants a cross between different varieties, or between individuals of the same variety but of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Strain — ストレイン (Sutorein) Type Seinen Genre Action Thèmes Crime Manga Auteurs Buronson (scénario) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Strain — (str[=a]n), v. i. 1. To make violent efforts. Straining with too weak a wing. Pope. [1913 Webster] To build his fortune I will strain a little. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To percolate; to be filtered; as, water straining through a sandy soil. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Strain — bezeichnet: die US amerikanische Schauspielerin Julie Strain den Manga Strain (Manga) von Ryoichi Ikegami Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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