- stop end
- временный опалубочный элемент (доска, щит, устанавливаемый в рабочем шве в момент перерыва бетонирования)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
stop — or [stäp] vt. stopped, stopping [ME stoppen < OE stoppian (in comp.) < WGmc stoppōn < VL * stuppare, to stop up, stuff < L stuppa < Gr styppē, tow < IE * stewe , to thicken, contract > Gr styphein, to contract, Sans stuka,… … English World dictionary
Stop-loss policy — Stop loss is a term primarily used in the United States military. In the U.S. military, it is the involuntary extension of a service member s active duty service under the enlistment contract in order to retain them beyond their initial end of… … Wikipedia
Stop motion — (or frame by frame) animation is an animation technique to make a physically manipulated object appear to move on its own. The object is moved by small amounts between individually photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when the… … Wikipedia
end*/*/*/ — [end] noun [C] I 1) the final part of a period of time We re going on holiday at the end of this month.[/ex] They ll make their decision at the very end of the week.[/ex] The work should be completed by the end of the year.[/ex] 2) the time when… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
end — end1 [end] n. [ME & OE ende, akin to Ger ende, Goth andeis < IE * antyos, opposite, lying ahead < * anti , opposite, facing (< base * ants, front, forehead) < OHG endi, forehead, Ger anti, L ante] 1. a limit or limiting part; point of … English World dictionary
stop — 1 vb stopped, stop·ping vt 1: to cause to halt stopped payment 2: to subject to a legal stop vi: to cease activity or motion stop 2 n: an act or inst … Law dictionary
stop — [n1] end, halt; impediment bar, barricade, blank wall*, block, blockade, break, break off, brick wall*, cease, cessation, check, close, closing, conclusion, control, cutoff, desistance, discontinuation, ending, fence, finish, freeze*, grinding… … New thesaurus
End time — End time, End times, or End of days are the eschatological writings in the three Abrahamic religions and in doomsday scenarios in various other non Abrahamic religions. In Abrahamic religions, End times are often depicted as a time of tribulation … Wikipedia
end — [end] noun 1. STATISTICS MARKETING top/bottom end a figure that is at the top or bottom end of a range is high or low in the range of possible figures that were expected: • The results were at the top end of previous market forecasts. 2.… … Financial and business terms
End distortion — End distortion: In start stop teletypewriter operation, the shifting of the end of all marking pulses, except the stop pulse, from their proper positions in relation to the beginning of the next start pulse. Shifting of the end of the stop pulse… … Wikipedia
STOP THE BOMB — (STB) ist eine überparteiliche Initiative, die sich mit prominenter Unterstützung gegen Geschäfte mit dem iranischen Regime und für die Unterstützung der säkularen, rechtsstaatlich demokratischen Opposition im Iran engagiert. Die Initiative ging… … Deutsch Wikipedia