- stone block paving
- брусчатая мостовая
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
stone — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 hard solid substance ADJECTIVE ▪ heavy ▪ hard ▪ rough, smooth ▪ weathered ▪ carve … Collocations dictionary
stone — [stōn] n. [ME < OE stan, akin to Du steen, Ger stein < IE base * stāi , to become thick, compress, stiffen > L stiria, a drop (< stilla), Gr stear, tallow] 1. the hard, solid, nonmetallic mineral matter of which rock is composed 2. a… … English World dictionary
stone — Synonyms and related words: Irish confetti, Lydian stone, Tarmac, Tarvia, aa, abyssal rock, acorn, adamant, adamantine, adobe, agate, alexandrite, amethyst, anklet, anthraconite, aplite, aquamarine, arch, armlet, ashlar, asphalt, aventurine,… … Moby Thesaurus
stone — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English stān; akin to Old High German stein stone, Old Church Slavic stěna wall, and perhaps to Sanskrit styāyate it hardens more at steato Date: before 12th century 1. a concretion of earthy or mineral … New Collegiate Dictionary
paving stone — /ˈpeɪvɪŋ stoʊn/ (say payving stohn) noun a stone or concrete block prepared for paving …
Dimension stone — Large blocks of granite dimension stone being loaded at Teignmouth in 1827. Dimension stone is natural stone or rock that has been selected and fabricated (i.e., trimmed, cut, drilled, ground, or other) to specific sizes or shapes. Color, texture … Wikipedia
Permeable paving — Permeable paving, is different than pervious paving or porous pavement, by virtue of the fact that rainwater passes around the paver as opposed to passing through the paver helping to reduce or eliminate clogging found in pervious or porous… … Wikipedia
belgian block — noun Usage: usually capitalized 1st B : a stone paving block cut as a truncated pyramid with base 5 to 6 inches square, depth 7 to 8 inches, and the face opposite the base not more than 1 inch smaller than the base; also : any stone paving block … Useful english dictionary
МОСТОВАЯ — дорожное покрытие из штучных материалов или изделий (Болгарский язык; Български) паваж (Чешский язык; Čeština) dláždění; dlažba (Немецкий язык; Deutsch) Pilaster; Straßenpflaster (Венгерский язык; Magyar) kőkocka burkolatú út (Монгольский язык)… … Строительный словарь
Брусчатка — (a. paving block, paving stone, stone block; н. Pflasterstein; ф. pave; и. adoquin) дорожно строит. изделие в виде брусков из изверженных (гранитов, базальтов и др.), а также расплавленных г. п. и литого шлака; используют для покрытий… … Геологическая энциклопедия
Aleppo — Halab redirects here. For other uses, see Halab (disambiguation). For other uses, see Aleppo (disambiguation). Aleppo حلب Halep, Ḥalab Aleppo City landmarks … Wikipedia