- ball-peen hammer
- фигурный молоток (с круглым бойком и полусферическим обушком)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
ball-peen hammer — [bôl′pēn΄] n. a hammer with one end of the head rounded and the other end flat: see HAMMER, illus … English World dictionary
Ball-peen hammer — A 15 (380 mm) ball peen hammer. A ball peen (also spelled pein and pane[1]) hammer, also known as a machinist s hammer, is a type of peening hammer used in metalworking. It is distinguished from a point peen hammer or chisel peen hammer by havin … Wikipedia
ball peen hammer — noun : a machinist s hammer having a head with a cylindrical convex faced surface at one end and a ball peen at the other * * * ball peen hammer, a hammer the head of which has a rounded end opposite its face, used especially by machinists … Useful english dictionary
ball-peen hammer — ball′ peen ham mer [[t]ˈbɔlˌpin[/t]] n. bui a hammer with a hemispherical peen(ball′ peen ) for beating metal … From formal English to slang
ball-peen hammer — /bawl peen / a hammer having a hemispherical peen (ball peen) for beating metal. See illus. under hammer. * * * … Universalium
ball-peen hammer — hammer with a flat striking head on one side and a rounded head on the other (used primarily in metalworking) … English contemporary dictionary
ball-peen hammer — noun Date: circa 1876 a hammer having a hemispherical peen at one end of its head … New Collegiate Dictionary
ball-peen hammer — noun A hammer having, besides the normal flat head, an opposite, rounded or peening head. Syn: engineers hammer, machinists hammer … Wiktionary
ball peen hammer — A hammer with two ends on the head. One is round and the other is flat. They are best used for hammering and shaping metal. Also spelled ball pien … Dictionary of automotive terms
ball-peen hammer — noun a hammer with one round and one flat end; used in working metal • Hypernyms: ↑hammer … Useful english dictionary
ball pien hammer — A hammer with two ends on the head. One is round and the other is flat. They are best used for hammering and shaping metal. Also spelled ball peen … Dictionary of automotive terms