Stiffener — Stiff en*er, n. One who, or that which, stiffens anything, as a piece of stiff cloth in a cravat. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stiffener — noun Anything added to something in order to stiffen it, such as a support beam, or starch for a collar. ... he wears a wisp of black silk round his neck, without any stiffener, as an apology for a neckerchief … Wiktionary
stiffener — An angle, T bar channel, built up section etc, used to stiffen plating of a bulkhead, etc. Also see sill stiffener … Dictionary of automotive terms
stiffener — stiffen ► VERB 1) make or become stiff. 2) make or become stronger or more steadfast. DERIVATIVES stiffener noun … English terms dictionary
stiffener — noun see stiffen … New Collegiate Dictionary
stiffener — /stif euh neuhr, stif neuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that stiffens. 2. any substance, as starch or buckram, that serves to stiffen fabric. [1690 1700; STIFFEN + ER1] * * * … Universalium
Stiffener — alcoholic drink … Dictionary of Australian slang
stiffener — Australian Slang alcoholic drink … English dialects glossary
stiffener — stiff·en·er || stɪfnÉ™(r) n. substance that serves to make stiff, substance that serves to make rigid; substance that stiffens cloth … English contemporary dictionary
stiffener — Structural members attached to the skin to resist compressive and bending loads. They also help to hold the shape of the wings and other surfaces. Some methods of stiffening panels … Aviation dictionary
stiffener — a drink of spirits A variant of the common bracer, owing perhaps something to being a stiff one2: ... careless riders would fall away, in search of a few stiffeners. (Flanagan, 1988 and then fall off, you might suppose) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms