steel building

steel building
стальное здание

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "steel building" в других словарях:

  • Steel building — A steel building is a metal structure with steel for the exterior cladding and internal support. Such buildings are used for a variety of purposes including storage, office space and living space. They have evolved into specific type depending on …   Wikipedia

  • Inland Steel Building — Localisation Localisation 30 W. Monroe Street, Chicago, Illinois Coordonnées …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Inland Steel Building — Infobox Skyscraper building name = Inland Steel Building caption = A Chicago Landmark location = 30 W. Monroe Street Chicago, Illinois coordinates = status = groundbreaking = constructed = 1956 1957 est completion = opening = use = antenna spire …   Wikipedia

  • U.S. Steel Building — One Liberty Plaza Der Eingang zum One Liberty Plaza One Liberty Plaza (auch bekannt als „U.S. Steel Building“) ist der Name eines der 40 höchsten Wolkenkratzer N …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Steel frame — usually refers to a building technique with a skeleton frame of vertical steel columns and horizontal I beams, constructed in a rectangular grid to support the floors, roof and walls of a building which are all attached to the frame. The… …   Wikipedia

  • U. S. Steel Building — здание «Ю. С. стил» (в Питтсбурге). В этом 64 этажном небоскребе размещается штаб квартира крупнейшей металлургической компании США «Ю. С. стил» на долю которой приходится около трети выплавки всей стали страны (отсюда прозвище компании the Big… …   Словарь топонимов США

  • building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… …   Universalium

  • Steel plate shear wall — A steel plate shear wall (SPSW) consists of steel infill plates bounded by a column beam system. Overview When these infill plates occupy each level within a framed bay of a structure, they constitute an SPSW [Kharrazi, M.H.K., 2005, “Rational… …   Wikipedia

  • Building — For other uses, see Building (disambiguation). Further information: Real estate development A building and skybridge in Munich, Germany …   Wikipedia

  • Building Information Modeling — (BIM) is the process of generating and managing building data during its life cycle [Lee, G., Sacks, R., and Eastman, C. M. (2006). Specifying parametric building object behavior (BOB) for a building information modeling system. Automation in… …   Wikipedia

  • Building 470 — Building 470, called the “Pilot Plant” or sometimes “Anthrax Tower”, was a notorious seven story steel and brick building at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland, USA, used in the small scale production of biological warfare (BW) agents. The… …   Wikipedia

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