- static pile composting
- аэробное компостирование ила очистных сооружений в штабелях
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Aerated static pile composting — Aerated Static Pile (ASP) composting, or tunnel composting systems include both passive and active methods. As the name implies, static piles are not turned, rotated, or otherwise manipulated during primary composting. Instead, the blended… … Wikipedia
In-vessel composting — is an industrial form of composting biodegradable waste that occurs in enclosed reactors. These generally consist of metal tanks or concrete bunkers in which air flow and temperature can be controlled. In vessel composting can also refer to… … Wikipedia
Windrow composting — Windrow turner used on maturing piles at a biosolids composting facility in Canada … Wikipedia
Composting — Portalpar|Sustainable development|Sustainable development.svgComposting is the aerobic decomposition of biodegradable organic matter, producing compost. (Or in a simpler form: Composting is the decaying of food, mostly vegetables or manure.) The… … Wikipedia
List of composting systems — The following page contains a list of different composting systems: Home composting (small scale) *Biodegrader *Composting toilet *Container composting *German mound *Indian Bangalore method *Chinese high temperature stacks *Trench composting… … Wikipedia
Compost — ( /ˈ … Wikipedia
List of waste management topics — This page has a list of waste management topics:*Anaerobic digestion *ArrowBio *Autoclave *Best management practice for water pollution (BMP) *Bioaccumulation *Biodegradability prediction *Biodegradation *Biodrying *Biogas *(Biogas powerplant:… … Wikipedia
Pu-erh tea — Pu erh, Pu er tea, Puer tea or Bolay tea is a type of tea made from a large leaf variety of the tea plant Camellia sinensis and named after Pu er county near Simao, Yunnan, China. Pu erh tea can be purchased as either raw/green (sheng) or… … Wikipedia