- balcony parapet
- ограждение балкона* * *ограждение балкона
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Balcony — Bal co*ny (b[a^]l k[ o]*n[y^]; 277), n.; pl. {Balconies} (b[a^]l k[ o]*n[i^]z). [It. balcone; cf. It. balco, palco, scaffold, fr. OHG. balcho, palcho, beam, G. balken. See {Balk} beam.] 1. (Arch.) A platform projecting from the wall of a building … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
parapet — ► NOUN 1) a low protective wall along the edge of a roof, bridge, or balcony. 2) a protective wall or bank along the top of a military trench. ORIGIN French, or from Italian parapetto, chest high wall … English terms dictionary
parapet — [par′ə pet΄, par′əpət] n. [Fr < It parapetto < parare, to guard (< L, PREPARE) + petto, breast < L pectus] 1. a wall or bank used to screen troops from frontal enemy fire, sometimes placed along the top of a rampart 2. a low wall or… … English World dictionary
balcony and balconette — In architecture, a balcony is photo of a second storey balconyplatform that projects from the wall of a building and is surrounded by a railing, balustrade, or parapet. Because the balcony pictured is so small projecting shallowly and from… … Glossary of Art Terms
parapet — n. 1 a low wall at the edge of a roof, balcony, etc., or along the sides of a bridge. 2 a defence of earth or stone to conceal and protect troops. Derivatives: parapeted adj. Etymology: F parapet or It. parapetto breast high wall (as PARA (2),… … Useful english dictionary
balcony — noun (plural nies) Etymology: Italian balcone, from Old Italian, large window, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German balko beam more at balk Date: 1618 1. a platform that projects from the wall of a building and is enclosed by a parapet or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
parapet — parapeted, adj. parapetless, adj. /par euh pit, pet /, n. 1. Fort. a. a defensive wall or elevation, as of earth or stone, in a fortification. See diag. under bastion. b. an elevation raised above the main wall or rampart of a permanent… … Universalium
balcony — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. gallery, loggia, porch, portico; tier, loge, mezzanine, dress circle; peanut gallery, paradise (both sl.). See drama, receptacle. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. gallery, catwalk, mezzanine, loge, balustrade … English dictionary for students
parapet — par·a·pet || pærÉ™pɪt , pet n. defensive wall, protective wall in front of a trench (Military); wall or railing installed on a balcony or roof to prevent falling … English contemporary dictionary
parapet — [ parəpɪt] noun 1》 a low protective wall along the edge of a roof, bridge, or balcony. 2》 a protective wall or earth defence along the top of a military trench. Derivatives parapeted adjective Origin C16: from Fr., or from Ital. parapetto chest… … English new terms dictionary
parapet — par•a•pet [[t]ˈpær ə pɪt, ˌpɛt[/t]] n. 1) for a wall or elevation in a fortification, esp. one at the outer edge of a rampart 2) archit. any low protective wall or barrier at the edge of a balcony, roof, bridge, or the like • Etymology: 1575–85;… … From formal English to slang