- stage
- 1) ступень; фаза; период; стадия2) очередь (строительства)3) ярус4) уровень, горизонт воды, отметка водной поверхности5) этаж6) рабочий настил, подмости; (рабочая) платформа; площадка; помост7) сцена (театра)8) разбивать на этапы•- stage of construction - average stage - blue-print stage - concreting stage - design stage - development stage - drawing-board stage - dream stage - elastic stage - engineering stage - erecting stage - experimental stage - final stage of construction - fishing stage - flood stage - groundwater stage - hanging stage - landing stage - landing stage of scaffold - mean stage - mean daily stage - normal stage - peak stage - planning stage - platform stage - pressure stage - semi-plastic stage - tipping stage - warning stage - water stage - working stage
in the planning stage — в стадии проектирования
* * *1. стадия, этап, период, фаза2. сцена3. станция; остановка4. (рабочая) платформа5. отметка водной поверхности, уровень воды- stages of building
- compression stage
- conceptual stage
- concreting stage
- conjugate stages
- corresponding stages
- crest stage
- design stage of the project
- detailed design stage
- dumping stage
- early stage of the project
- erecting stage
- final stage
- flood stage
- high pressure stage
- landing stage
- lock-up stage
- low pressure stage
- low-water stage
- normal stage
- operating stage
- outline design stage
- pressure stage
- rotary stage
- swinging stage
- working stage
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.