
1) штукатурный раствор (для наружных работ)
2) декоративная деталь из гипсоволокнистого штукатурного раствора
3) угловая накладка
4) шест; рейка
5) штат служащих
- cross staff - gauge staff - hydrometric staff - level staff - managing staff - measuring staff - skeleton staff - skilled staff - square staff - technical staff - tide staff
* * *
1.   декоративная деталь из гипсоволокнистого раствора
2.   наружная штукатурная обмазка стены
3.   угловая накладка
4.   уплотняющая накладка [планка] (в шве между кирпичной кладкой и дверной или оконной коробкой)
5.   шест; рейка; веха
6.   штат; персонал
- angle staff
- coarse staff
- cross staff
- fine staff
- fixed staff

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать реферат


Смотреть что такое "staff" в других словарях:

  • staff — staff …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Staff — (st[.a]f), n.; pl. {Staves} (st[=a]vz or st[aum]vz; 277) or {Staffs} (st[.a]fs) in senses 1 9, {Staffs} in senses 10, 11. [AS. st[ae]f a staff; akin to LG. & D. staf, OFries. stef, G. stab, Icel. stafr, Sw. staf, Dan. stav, Goth. stabs element,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Staff — may refer to: * Staff (stick), a stick or pole to assist with walking, or sometimes used as a weapon * Staff (building material), artificial stone product used as ornament * Staff (music), a set of horizontal lines upon which notes are placed in… …   Wikipedia

  • Staff — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Alois Staff (1866–1931), böhmisch österreichischer Techniker Curt Staff (1901–1976), deutscher Jurist und Präsident des OLG Frankfurt am Main Hanne Staff (* 1972), norwegische Orientierungsläuferin Ilse… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • staff — staff1 [staf, stäf] n. pl. staffs; also, for STAFF1 senses 1 & 5, staves [ME staf < OE stæf, akin to Ger stab, < IE base * steb(h) , post, pole > STEM1, STAMP] 1. a stick, rod, or pole; specif., a) a stick used …   English World dictionary

  • staff — s. v. conducere. Trimis de siveco, 22.09.2008. Sursa: Sinonime  STAFF s.n. (Anglicism) Grup de persoane cu o anumită misiune (de conducere), sub direcţia unui şef. [pl. furi. / < engl. staff – baston, simbol al autorităţii]. Trimis de… …   Dicționar Român

  • staff — I noun adiutores, aides, assistants, associates, body of employees, cadre, clerical staff, complement, corps, council, crew, deputies, employees, faculty, force, help, legatio, management, personnel, professional force, professional staff,… …   Law dictionary

  • staff — s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} 1a. l insieme dei collaboratori più vicini a chi dirige un lavoro o coordina un attività: lo staff del primo ministro 1b. gruppo di professionisti che collaborano a un determinato lavoro: uno staff di medici… …   Dizionario italiano

  • staff — ► NOUN 1) (treated as sing. or pl. ) the employees of an organization. 2) (treated as sing. or pl. ) a group of officers assisting an officer in command of an army formation or administration headquarters. 3) a long stick used as a support or… …   English terms dictionary

  • Staff — (st[.a]f), n. [G. staffiren to fill or fit out, adorn, fr. D. stoffeeren, OF. estoffer, F. [ e]toffer, fr. OF. estoffe stuff, F. [ e]toffe. See {Stuff}, n.] (Arch.) Plaster combined with fibrous and other materials so as to be suitable for… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • staff — [n1] employees of organization agents, assistants, cadre, cast, crew, deputies, faculty, force, help, officers, operatives, organization, personnel, servants, shop, teachers, team, workers, work force; concept 325 staff [n2] stick, usually for… …   New thesaurus

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