balancing of system

balancing of system
наладка системы (на расчётные расходы)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "balancing of system" в других словарях:

  • Balancing — or hard balancing, in realist theories of international relations, refers to a state joining a weaker coalition to counter the influence or power of a stronger coalition. The term is derived from balance of power. Balancing is opposed to the… …   Wikipedia

  • System Dynamics — (SD) oder Systemdynamik ist eine von Jay W. Forrester Mitte der 1950er Jahren[1] an der Sloan School of Management des MIT entwickelte Methodik zur ganzheitlichen Analyse und (Modell )Simulation komplexer und dynamischer Systeme. Anwendung findet …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Balancing lake — A balancing lake (also flood basin ) is an element of an urban drainage system used to control flooding by temporarily storing flood waters. The term balancing pond is also used, though typically for smaller storage facilities for streams and… …   Wikipedia

  • Balancing domain decomposition — In numerical analysis, the balancing domain decomposition method (BDD) is an iterative method to find the solution of a symmetric positive definite system of linear algebraic equations arising from the finite element method J. Mandel, Balancing… …   Wikipedia

  • System dynamics — [ John Sterman 2001.] System dynamics is an approach to understanding the behaviour of complex systems over time. It deals with internal feedback loops and time delays that affect the behaviour of the entire system. [… …   Wikipedia

  • System Load — Load bezeichnet die momentan laufenden oder auf bestimmte Ereignisse wartenden Prozesse auf einem Computersystem. Man spricht dabei davon, dass „der Rechner einen Load von X hat“ (wobei X eine reelle Zahl größer gleich null ist). Sie wird… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • System operator — (electric)   An individual at a control center (Balancing Authority, Transmission Operator, Generator Operator, Reliability Coordinator) whose responsibility it is to monitor and control that electric system in real time. NERC definition   U.S.… …   Energy terms

  • Load balancing (computing) — Load balancing is a computer networking methodology to distribute workload across multiple computers or a computer cluster, network links, central processing units, disk drives, or other resources, to achieve optimal resource utilization,… …   Wikipedia

  • Network Load Balancing — (commonly referred to as dual WAN routing or multihoming) is the ability to balance traffic across two WAN links without using complex routing protocols like BGP. This capability balances network sessions like Web, email, etc. over multiple… …   Wikipedia

  • Merrill Wheel-Balancing System — The Merrill Wheel Balancing System was the world s first electronic dynamic wheel balancing system. It was invented in 1945 by Marcellus Merrill at the Merrill Engineering Laboratories, 2390 South Tejon Street, Englewood, Colorado, and is now… …   Wikipedia

  • Distributed operating system — A distributed operating system is the logical aggregation of operating system software over a collection of independent, networked, communicating, and spatially disseminated computational nodes.[1] Individual system nodes each hold a discrete… …   Wikipedia

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