- spray tap
- излив (крана) с аэратором
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Purified water — Bottle for Distilled water in the Real Farmacia in Madrid Purified water is water from any source that is physically processed to remove impurities. Distilled water and deionized (DI) water have been the most common forms of purified water, but… … Wikipedia
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs — Título Lluvia de albóndigas (España) Lluvia de hamburguesas (Latinoamérica) Ficha técnica Dirección Chris Miller Producción Pam Marsden … Wikipedia Español
Cellulose insulation — The word cellulose comes from the French word for a living cellule and glucose, which is sugar. Insulation is low thermal conductivity material used to separate the internal climate and sounds of a building from external climate and sounds.… … Wikipedia
Chronik der Nuklearkatastrophe von Fukushima — Die Chronik der Nuklearkatastrophe von Fukushima schildert den Ablauf der Ereignisse im Kernkraftwerk Fukushima Daiichi (Fukushima I) ab dem 11. März 2011 und deren Folgen im Zeitverlauf. Alle Uhrzeiten sind in japanischer Ortszeit angegeben … Deutsch Wikipedia
steel — steellike, adj. /steel/, n. 1. any of various modified forms of iron, artificially produced, having a carbon content less than that of pig iron and more than that of wrought iron, and having qualities of hardness, elasticity, and strength varying … Universalium
Collegiate secret societies in North America — There are many collegiate secret societies in North America. They vary greatly in their levels of secrecy and independence from their universities. As the term is used in this article, a secret society is a collegiate society where significant… … Wikipedia
Aeroponics — is the process of growing plants in an air or mist environment without the use of soil or an aggregate medium. Aeroponic culture differs from both hydroponics and in vitro (Plant tissue culture) growing. Unlike hydroponics, which uses water as a… … Wikipedia
Nasal irrigation — Intervention A woman flushing her nose with a neti pot. ICD 9 CM … Wikipedia
T. T. Durai — Thambirajah Tharmadurai (Born 22 April 1948), better known as T. T. Durai, is the former Chief Executive Officer of the National Kidney Foundation Singapore (NKF). He is the central figure in the National Kidney Foundation Singapore scandal and… … Wikipedia
Rihanna — während der Loud Tour am 30. September 2011 in Belfast, Nordirland … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cutting extinguisher — The use of a cutting extinguisher is a fire extinguishing technique that combines abrasive waterjet cutting with water spray extinguishing, through a single handpiece or nozzle. The fire fighter approaches the fire from outside the main fire area … Wikipedia