split form

split form
разъёмная (литейная) форма

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "split form" в других словарях:

  • Split multi-link trunking — (SMLT) is a link aggregation technology in computer networking designed by Nortel in 2001 as an enhancement to standard Multi Link Trunking (MLT) as defined in IEEE 802.3ad.Link aggregation or Multi Link Trunking (MLT) allows multiple physical… …   Wikipedia

  • Split Rock, New York — Split Rock is a hamlet in the Town of Onondaga in Onondaga County, New York. Today more a historic place than a community, Split Rock is a site of great interest to industrial archeology. The Solvay Process Company developed quarry operations… …   Wikipedia

  • split cane — noun Bamboo split to form triangular strips then glued to form a hexagonal rod, used to make strong but flexible fishing rods • • • Main Entry: ↑split …   Useful english dictionary

  • Split screen (computer graphics) — Split screen is a display technique in computer graphics that consists of dividing graphics and/or text into non movable adjacent parts, typically two or four rectangular areas. This is done in order to allow the simultaneous presentation of… …   Wikipedia

  • split infinitive — split′ infin′itive n. use gram. an expression in which there is a word or phrase, usu. an adverb or adverbial phrase, between to and its accompanying verb form in an infinitive, as in to readily understand[/ex] • Etymology: 1895–1900 usage: The… …   From formal English to slang

  • Split-ticket voting — can be used as a form of tactical voting in countries (such as the United States) dominated by two parties where a voter is not a wholehearted supporter of either party. It can also be used in countries (such as Germany) which use a variety of… …   Wikipedia

  • split infinitive — n. Gram. an infinitive with an adverb or other modifier placed between to and the verb form (Ex.: he decided to gradually change his methods): although some object to this construction, many writers use split infinitives where ambiguity or wrong… …   English World dictionary

  • Split-complex number — A portion of the split complex number plane showing subsets with modulus zero (red), one (blue), and minus one (green). In abstract algebra, the split complex numbers (or hyperbolic numbers) are a two dimensional commutative algebra over the real …   Wikipedia

  • Split infinitive — A split infinitive is an English language grammatical construction in which a word or phrase, usually an adverb or adverbial phrase, comes between the marker to and the bare infinitive (uninflected) form of a verb. For example, a split infinitive …   Wikipedia

  • Split-octonion — In mathematics, the split octonions are a nonassociative extension of the quaternions (or the split quaternions). They differ from the octonions in the signature of quadratic form: the split octonions have a split signature (4,4) whereas the… …   Wikipedia

  • Split Enz — Infobox musical artist 2 Name = Split Enz Img capt = Split Enz (1977) ...with costumes and hair...like nothing else, wild, colourful and inventive. Background = group or band Origin = Auckland, New Zealand Genre = Pop, New Wave, Rock Prog Rock,… …   Wikipedia

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