- spirit
- 1) спирт; этиловый спирт2) бензин3) тенденция, общее направление•- national spirit* * *- circular spirit
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Spirit — Spir it, n. [OF. espirit, esperit, F. esprit, L. spiritus, from spirare to breathe, to blow. Cf. {Conspire}, {Expire}, {Esprit}, {Sprite}.] 1. Air set in motion by breathing; breath; hence, sometimes, life itself. [Obs.] All of spirit would… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
spirit — SPÍRIT, spirite, s.n. I. 1. Factor ideal al existenţei (opus materiei); conştiinţă, gândire; p. ext. minte, raţiune, intelect. ♦ Inteligenţă, deşteptăciune, isteţime; capacitate de imaginaţie, fantezie. ♢ expr. (Om) de (sau cu) spirit = (om) cu… … Dicționar Român
Spirit — (engl.: Geist) ist: Spirit (Band), eine amerikanische Band Spirit (CAD), eine CAD Software für Windows Spirit Racing, ein ehemaliges Formel 1 Team Spirit (Parser), ein rekursiv absteigender objekt orientierter Parsergenerator Spirit (Raumsonde),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Spirit of '76 — can refer to a variety of things, including:*Spirit of 76 (history), a patriotic phrase related to the United States declaration of liberty from the United Kingdom in 1776 *A famous painting by Archibald MacNeal Willard commemorating U.S.… … Wikipedia
Spirit — • Used in several different but allied senses: (1) as signifying a living, intelligent, incorporeal being, such as the soul; (2) as the fiery essence or breath (the Stoic pneuma) which was supposed to be the universal vital force; (3) as… … Catholic encyclopedia
Spirit MC — Spirit Martial Challenge (Spirit MC) is a South Korean mixed martial arts promotion operated by Entlian Corporation.The promotion is separated into Spirit MC (Professional League), Spirit MC Inter League, Spirit MC Amateur League. Amateur League… … Wikipedia
spirit — [spir′it] n. [ME < OFr espirit < L spiritus, breath, courage, vigor, the soul, life, in LL(Ec), spirit < spirare, to blow, breathe < IE base * (s)peis , to blow > (prob.) Norw fisa, to puff, blow, OSlav piskati, to pipe, whistle] 1 … English World dictionary
spirit — ► NOUN 1) a person s non physical being, composed of their character and emotions. 2) this regarded as surviving after the death of the body, often manifested as a ghost. 3) a supernatural being. 4) the prevailing or typical character, quality,… … English terms dictionary
Spirit — Spir it, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Spirited}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Spiriting}.] 1. To animate with vigor; to excite; to encourage; to inspirit; as, civil dissensions often spirit the ambition of private men; sometimes followed by up. [1913 Webster] Many… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
špirit — špìrit m DEFINICIJA kem. alkohol koji se dobiva procesom alkoholnog vrenja od voćnih sokova, melase škroba i celuloze, a i sintetičkim putem; žesta SINTAGMA denaturirani špirit špirit kojem su dodane tvari da se ne može piti (nego upotrebljavati… … Hrvatski jezični portal
spirit — [n1] soul, attitude air, animation, ardor, backbone*, boldness, breath, character, complexion, courage, dauntlessness, disposition, earnestness, energy, enterprise, enthusiasm, essence, fire, force, frame of mind, gameness, grit*, guts*, heart,… … New thesaurus