soundproofing enclosure

soundproofing enclosure
звукоизолирующее укрытие

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "soundproofing enclosure" в других словарях:

  • Isolation cabinet (guitar) — The characteristic sound of a tube guitar amplifier as heard on the majority of professional recordings is achieved by playing the amplifier at high volumes, and using one or more microphones to capture the sound. Turning the volume up causes the …   Wikipedia

  • Active noise control — (ANC) (also known as noise cancellation, active noise reduction (ANR) or antinoise) is a method for reducing unwanted sound. Contents 1 Explanation 2 Applications 3 See also 4 …   Wikipedia

  • railroad — /rayl rohd /, n. 1. a permanent road laid with rails, commonly in one or more pairs of continuous lines forming a track or tracks, on which locomotives and cars are run for the transportation of passengers, freight, and mail. 2. an entire system… …   Universalium

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