bail handle

bail handle
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Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "bail handle" в других словарях:

  • bail — bail1 [bāl] n. [ME & OFr, power, control, custody < OFr baillier, to keep in custody, deliver < L bajulare, to bear a burden < bajulus, porter, carrier] 1. money, a bond, etc. deposited with the court to obtain the temporary release of… …   English World dictionary

  • handle — [n1] something to grip arm, bail, crank, ear, grasp, haft, handgrip, helve, hilt, hold, holder, knob, shaft, stem, stock, tiller; concepts 445,502,831 handle [n2] nickname appellation, byname, byword, cognomen, denomination, designation, moniker …   New thesaurus

  • Handle — Han dle, n. [AS. handle. See {Hand}.] 1. That part of vessels, instruments, etc., which is held in the hand when used or moved, as the haft of a sword, the knob of a door, the bail of a kettle, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. That of which use is made;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Bail — Bail, n. [OE. beyl; cf. Dan. b[ o]ile a bending, ring, hoop, Sw. b[ o]gel, bygel, and Icel. beyla hump, swelling, akin to E. bow to bend.] 1. The arched handle of a kettle, pail, or similar vessel, usually movable. Forby. [1913 Webster] 2. A half …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bail — I. /beɪl / (say bayl) noun 1. (in criminal proceedings) the release of a prisoner from legal custody into the custody of persons acting as sureties, undertaking to produce the prisoner to the court at a later date or forfeit the security… …  

  • bail — bail1 /bayl/, Law. n. 1. property or money given as surety that a person released from custody will return at an appointed time. 2. the person who agrees to be liable if someone released from custody does not return at an appointed time. 3. the… …   Universalium

  • bail — I [[t]beɪl[/t]] n. 1) law property or money given as surety that a person released from legal custody will return at an appointed time 2) law a person who provides bail 3) law the state of release upon being bailed 4) law to grant or obtain the… …   From formal English to slang

  • bail — I. noun Etymology: Middle English baille, from Anglo French, bucket, from Medieval Latin bajula water vessel, from feminine of Latin bajulus porter, carrier Date: 14th century a container used to remove water from a boat II. verb Date: 1613… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Bail (disambiguation) — The word bail can have these meanings: * See bail and for security (usually a sum of money), exchanged for the release of an arrested person as a guarantee of that person s appearance for trial by a lawcourt, and related meanings. * A bail… …   Wikipedia

  • handle — 1. noun /ˈhæn.dl/ a) A part of an object which is held in the hand when used or moved, as the haft of a sword, the knob of a door, the bail of a kettle, etc. The daily handle of a Las Vegas casino is typically millions of dollars. b) That of… …   Wiktionary

  • handle — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. shaft, hilt, grip, knob; slang, name (see nomenclature). v. manipulate, use, wield; direct, control, manage; feel, paw, touch; operate, direct, conduct; deal in, trade. See direction, sale, conduct.… …   English dictionary for students

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