solid slab

solid slab
плита сплошного сечения

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "solid slab" в других словарях:

  • slab — I. noun Etymology: Middle English slabbe Date: 14th century 1. a thick plate or slice (as of stone, wood, or bread): as a. the outside piece cut from a log in squaring it b. concrete pavement (as of a road); specifically a strip of concrete… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Slab — can refer to:Physical objects and substances* A broad flat square or rectangular piece of wood, stone or other solid material used to construct buildings, pavements, patios, paths, etc: see Paver (flooring) and flagstone. * An outside piece cut… …   Wikipedia

  • slab — [n] chunk of solid object bar, billet, bit, board, boulder, chip, cut, cutting, hunk, ingot, lump, muck, piece, plate, portion, rod, slice, stave, stick, stone, strip, wedge; concepts 471,835 …   New thesaurus

  • slab — ► NOUN 1) a large, thick, flat piece of solid material, in particular stone, concrete, or heavy food. 2) Brit. a table used for laying a body on in a mortuary. 3) an outer piece of timber sawn from a log. ORIGIN of unknown origin …   English terms dictionary

  • slab — /slæb / (say slab) noun 1. a broad, flat, somewhat thick piece of stone, wood, or other solid material. 2. → concrete slab. 3. a thick slice of anything: a slab of bread. 4. a rough outside piece cut from a log, as in sawing it into boards. 5.… …  

  • slab — slab1 /slab/, n., v., slabbed, slabbing. n. 1. a broad, flat, somewhat thick piece of stone, wood, or other solid material. 2. a thick slice of anything: a slab of bread. 3. a semifinished piece of iron or steel so rolled that its breadth is at… …   Universalium

  • slab — [[t]slæb[/t]] n. v. slabbed, slab•bing 1) a broad, flat, somewhat thick piece of stone, wood, or other solid material 2) a thick slice of anything: a slab of bread[/ex] 3) bui a rough outside piece cut from a log, as when sawing one into boards… …   From formal English to slang

  • slab — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. slice, wedge, section, piece, cut, hunk, chunk; plate, board, plank, shingle; tablet, gravestone. See part, interment, horizontal, layer. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. plate, slice, bit, chunk, lump, chip,… …   English dictionary for students

  • slab — n. & v. n. 1 a flat broad fairly thick usu. square or rectangular piece of solid material, esp. stone. 2 a large flat piece of cake, chocolate, etc. 3 (of timber) an outer piece sawn from a log. 4 Brit. a mortuary table. (slabbed, slabbing) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Voided biaxial slab — Voided biaxial slabs are reinforced concrete slabs in which voids reduce the amount of concrete.While concrete have been used for thousands of years, the use of reinforced concrete is a relative recent invention, usually attributed to Joseph… …   Wikipedia

  • Countertop — A stainless steel countertop Countertop (also counter top, counter, benchtop, (British English) worktop, or (Australian English) kitchen bench) usually refers to a horizontal worksurface in kitchens or other food preparation areas, bathrooms or… …   Wikipedia

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