- soffit
- = soffite1) софит; потолок; нижняя поверхность (напр. балки, лестничного пролёта)2) облицовка верха проёма•* * *софит; нижняя поверхность (свода, потолка)- beam soffit
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Soffit — (from French soffite , Italian soffitto , formed as a ceiling; directly from suffictus for suffixus , Latin suffigere , to fix underneath), in architecture, describes the underside of any construction element. Examples of soffits include: * the… … Wikipedia
Soffit — Sof fit, n. [It. soffitta, soffitto, fr. soffiggere to hide, properly, to fix or fasten under, L. suffigere to fasten beneath or below; sub under, beneath + figere to fix, faste: cf. F. soffite.] (Arch.) The under side of the subordinate parts… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
soffit — 1610s, from It. soffita, fem. of soffitto ceiling, originally fixed beneath, from L. sub under (see SUB (Cf. sub )) + pp. of figere to fix, fasten (see FIX (Cf. fix)) … Etymology dictionary
soffit — [säf′it] n. [Fr soffite < It soffitto < VL * suffictus, for L suffixus: see SUFFIX] 1. the horizontal underside of an eave, cornice, etc. 2. the intrados of an arch or vault … English World dictionary
soffit — noun /ˈsɒf.ɪt,ˈsɑ.fɪt/ a) The visible underside of an arch, balcony, beam, cornice, staircase, vault or any other architectural element. If the soff … Wiktionary
Soffit Cusp — ♦ Cusp springing from the flat soffit of an arched head, not from the chamfered side or edge (chamfer cusp). (Wood, Margaret. The English Medieval House, 414) … Medieval glossary
soffit — noun Etymology: French soffite, from Italian soffitto, from Vulgar Latin *suffictus, past participle of Latin suffigere to fasten underneath more at suffix Date: 1592 the underside of a part or member of a building (as of an overhang or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
soffit — /sof it/, n. Archit. the underside of an architectural feature, as a beam, arch, ceiling, vault, or cornice. [1605 15; < F soffite < It soffitto < VL *suffictus, for L suffixus; see SUFFIX] * * * … Universalium
Soffit — Hængende kulisse … Danske encyklopædi
soffit — sof·fit || sÉ‘fɪt / sÉ’f n. (Architecture) bottom side of a component of a building (staircase, arch, a balcony, overhanging eaves etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
soffit — The underside of an architectural member such as an arch, lintel, cornice, or stairway. (pr. sah fit) Also see intrados … Glossary of Art Terms