slow order

slow order
ограничение скорости движения поезда

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "slow order" в других словарях:

  • Slow order — A slow order is a local speed restriction on a rail line which is set below the track s normal speed limit. Slow orders are usually imposed by railway dispatchers for sections of track that are in some way deficient, or when there is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Slow zone — A slow zone, in America, is an area where a train is forced to slow down for either structural, construction, power, signal, or track problems. Slow zones limit a train to about 10 35 MPH. Notification to train crews is referred to as a slow… …   Wikipedia

  • Slow flight — is a portion of an airplane s performance envelope above the speed at which the plane will stall, but below the aircraft s endurance speed. This part of the performance chart is also known as the back side of the power curve because when flying… …   Wikipedia

  • Slow Blind Driveway — (born March 19, 1885 in Jackson, Mississippi – died April 19, 1952 in Deatsville, Alabama) was an influential blues singer, songwriter, and guitarist. He was Clayton Taliaferro Driver or Clinton T. Driver, Jr. according to various sources (see… …   Wikipedia

  • Slow-scan television — (SSTV) is a picture transmission method used mainly by amateur radio operators, to transmit and receive static pictures via radio in monochrome or color.A technical term for SSTV is narrowband television. Broadcast television requires huge 5, 6… …   Wikipedia

  • Order & Chaos Online — Developer(s) In house Publisher(s) Gameloft Platform(s) iOS, WebOS, Android …   Wikipedia

  • Order Made — Single by Radwimps from the album Altocolony no Teiri Released …   Wikipedia

  • slow up — {v.} 1. To go more slowly. * /The truck slowed up as it approached the toll gate./ * /Construction on the road slows up traffic./ 2. To become less busy. * /Business slows up at the stores after Christmas./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • slow up — {v.} 1. To go more slowly. * /The truck slowed up as it approached the toll gate./ * /Construction on the road slows up traffic./ 2. To become less busy. * /Business slows up at the stores after Christmas./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Slow loris — For the denial of service attack, see Slowloris. Slow lorises[1] Sunda slow loris Nycticebus coucang …   Wikipedia

  • Slow Decay — Torchwoodbook title=Slow Decay number=3 featuring=Jack Harkness Gwen Cooper Owen Harper Toshiko Sato Ianto Jones writer=Andy Lane publisher=BBC Books isbn=ISBN 978 0 563 48655 8 set between= Ghost Machine and Cyberwoman pages=357 date=4 January… …   Wikipedia

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