sliding bearing

sliding bearing
скользящая опорная часть (моста)

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "sliding bearing" в других словарях:

  • bearing — /bair ing/, n. 1. the manner in which one conducts or carries oneself, including posture and gestures: a man of dignified bearing. 2. the act, capability, or period of producing or bringing forth: a tree past bearing. 3. something that is… …   Universalium

  • bearing — bear•ing [[t]ˈbɛər ɪŋ[/t]] n. 1) the manner in which one conducts or carries oneself, including posture and gestures: a person of dignified bearing[/ex] 2) the act, capability, or period of producing or bringing forth 3) something that is… …   From formal English to slang

  • sliding pair — Pair Pair (p[^a]r), n. [F. paire, LL. paria, L. paria, pl. of par pair, fr. par, adj., equal. Cf. {Apparel}, {Par} equality, {Peer} an equal.] [1913 Webster] 1. A number of things resembling one another, or belonging together; a set; as, a pair… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bearing — The posture or demeanor of a person; a support; the part of a machine which lends support to a moving shaft or sliding part; position; relevancy; producing …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • ball bearing — ball bearing, adj. Mach. 1. a bearing consisting of a number of hard balls running in grooves in the surfaces of two concentric rings, one of which is mounted on a rotating or oscillating shaft or the like. 2. any of the balls so used. [1880 85]… …   Universalium

  • Ball bearing — For individual balls that are sometimes called ball bearings , see Ball (bearing). Working principle for a ball bearing …   Wikipedia

  • Rolling-element bearing — A rolling element bearing is a bearing which carries a load by placing round elements between the two pieces. The relative motion of the pieces causes the round elements to roll with very little rolling resistance and with little sliding.One of… …   Wikipedia

  • Newmark's sliding block — The Newmark s sliding block analysis method is an engineering method used to calculate the permanent displacements of soil slopes (also embankments and dams) during seismic loading. It is also simply called Newmark s analysis or Sliding block… …   Wikipedia

  • Flexure bearing — A flexure bearing is a bearing which allows motion by bending a load element.A typical flexure bearing is just one part, joining two other parts. For example, a hinge may be made by attaching a long strip of a flexible element to a door and to… …   Wikipedia

  • Jewel bearing — A jewel bearing is a bearing in which a metal spindle turns in a jewel lined pivot hole. The hole is typically shaped like a torus and is slightly larger than the shaft diameter. In operation, the shaft tilts slightly so as to contact the jewel… …   Wikipedia

  • Tapered roller bearing — Tapered roller bearings are bearings that can take large axial forces (i.e. they are good thrust bearings) as well as being able to sustain large radial forces. DescriptionThe inner and outer ring raceways are segments of cones and the rollers… …   Wikipedia

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