
выравнивание осевших бетонных плит (домкратами или нагнетанием раствора под плиту)
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выравнивание осевших бетонных плит (пола или дорожного покрытия) нагнетанием раствора под плиту

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "slabjacking" в других словарях:

  • Concrete leveling — is a procedure that attempts to correct an uneven concrete surface by altering the foundation that the surface sits upon. It is a cheaper alternative to having replacement concrete poured, and commonly performed at small businesses and private… …   Wikipedia

  • Michels Corporation — is an international utility, engineering, design and construction contractor based in Brownsville, Wisconsin. With more than 4,500 employees in its 15 divisions and subsidiaries, Michels is the largest construction company in Wisconsin. It… …   Wikipedia

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