- skew slab
- косая [скошенная] плита
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Anthropology and Archaeology — ▪ 2009 Introduction Anthropology Among the key developments in 2008 in the field of physical anthropology was the discovery by a large interdisciplinary team of Spanish and American scientists in northern Spain of a partial mandible (lower… … Universalium
Bounding volume — A three dimensional model with its bounding box drawn in dashed lines. For building code compliance, see Bounding. In computer graphics and computational geometry, a bounding volume for a set of objects is a closed volume that completely contains … Wikipedia
Examples of groups — Some elementary examples of groups in mathematics are given on Group (mathematics). Further examples are listed here. Contents 1 Permutations of a set of three elements 2 The group of translations of the plane 3 The symme … Wikipedia
Northern Counties Committee — The Northern Counties Committee (NCC) was a railway that served the north east of Ireland. It was built to Irish gauge (1,600 mm (5 ft 3 in)) but later acquired a number of 914 mm (3 ft) narrow gauge… … Wikipedia
er — er·i·an·thus; er·ic; er·i·ca; er·i·ca·ce·ae; er·i·cad; er·i·ca·les; er·i·ce·tal; er·i·ce·tic·o·lous; er·i·coid; er·i·co·phyte; erig·er·on; er·i·glos·sa; er·ik·ite; er·i·na·ceous; er·i·na·ceus; er·in·ite; er·i·nose; er·i·o·bot·rya;… … English syllables
lē̆ b-, lō̆ b-, lāb-, leb- — lē̆ b , lō̆ b , lāb , leb English meaning: to hang down loosely; lip Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘schlaff herabhängen”, also “Lippe” (?) Note: partly with anlaut. s ; besides, but less frequent, often (see in addition lep “peel” am… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary