backing material

backing material
backing [backup] material
подкладочный материал, подкладка

Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "backing material" в других словарях:

  • Backing material — Корешковый материал, материал для корешков переплёта …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • backing — ► NOUN 1) support. 2) a layer of material that forms or strengthens the back of something. 3) (especially in popular music) accompaniment to the main singer …   English terms dictionary

  • backing — back|ing [ˈbækıŋ] n 1.) [U] support or help, especially with money ▪ She flew to New York to try to raise some financial backing for the project. 2.) material that is used to make the back of an object 3.) the music that is played at the same… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • backing */*/ — UK [ˈbækɪŋ] / US noun [uncountable] 1) support, help, or active approval The new policy has the backing of several leading Democrats. 2) music music that is played or sung to add to the main singer s voice a backing singer/group 3) material used… …   English dictionary

  • backing — 1. noun a) Support, especially financial. Its a volunteer organization that works with backing from the city and a few grants. b) A liner or other material added behind or underneath. The cardboard backing gives the notebook a little extra… …   Wiktionary

  • backing — back|ing [ bækıŋ ] noun uncount ** 1. ) support, help, or active approval: ENDORSEMENT: The new policy has the backing of several leading Democrats. 2. ) material used for making the back of something: carpet backing 3. ) MAINLY BRITISH music… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • backing — /bak ing/, n. 1. aid or support of any kind. 2. supporters or backers collectively. 3. something that forms the back or is placed at or attached to the back of anything to support, strengthen, or protect it. 4. Theat. a curtain or flat placed… …   Universalium

  • backing — noun 1 (U) support or help, especially with money 2 (C) material that is used to make the back of an object 3 (C) the music that is played with a singer s voice to make it sound better backing adjective …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • backing — Some material placed on the root side of a weld to aid control of penetration. Also see steel backing …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • backing — noun 1》 material or moral support. 2》 a layer of material that forms, protects, or strengthens the back of something. 3》 (especially in popular music) musical or vocal accompaniment to the main singer or soloist. 4》 Phonetics the movement of the… …   English new terms dictionary

  • backing — n. 1 a support. b a body of supporters. c material used to form a back or support. 2 musical accompaniment, esp. to a singer …   Useful english dictionary

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