- shiplap
- 1) шпунтованные доски2) соединение кромок досок взакрой* * *1. соединение [сплачивание] в четверть2. шпунтованные доски; доски с выбранной четвертью
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Англо-русский строительный словарь. 2013.
Shiplap — is a term used to describe a type of wooden board used commonly in the construction of barns, sheds, outbuildings and inexpensive or seasonal homes. It is either rough sawn 1 or milled 3/4 pine or similarly inexpensive wood between 3 and 10 wide… … Wikipedia
shiplap — [ship′lap΄] n. 1. a kind of boarding or siding in which adjoining boards are rabbeted along the edge so as to make a flush joint 2. such a joint … English World dictionary
shiplap — /ˈʃɪplæp/ (say shiplap) noun 1. a type of wooden cladding in which boards overlap to create a seal against weather. 2. a wooden board used in this type of construction, usually for barns, sheds, or other such buildings …
shiplap — noun Date: 1895 wooden sheathing in which the boards are rabbeted so that the edges of each board lap over the edges of adjacent boards to make a flush joint … New Collegiate Dictionary
shiplap — /ship lap /, n. Carpentry. 1. an overlapping joint, as a rabbet, between two boards joined edge to edge. 2. boarding joined with such overlapping joints. See illus. under siding. [1850 55; SHIP + LAP2] * * * … Universalium
shiplap — noun A type of wooden board that has rabbets to allow them to be overlapped … Wiktionary
shiplap — verb fit (boards) together by halving so that each overlaps the one below. noun shiplapped boards, typically used for cladding. ↘a joint between boards made by halving … English new terms dictionary
shiplap — ship•lap [[t]ˈʃɪpˌlæp[/t]] n. 1) bui an overlapping joint, as a rabbet, between two boards joined edge to edge 2) bui boarding joined with such overlapping joints • Etymology: 1850–55 … From formal English to slang
shiplap — v. & n. v.tr. fit (boards) together for cladding etc. so that each overlaps the one below. n. such cladding … Useful english dictionary
Manning–Kamna Farm — Manning Kamna Farm U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
David L. Shirk Ranch — U.S. National Register of Historic Places U.S. Historic district … Wikipedia